Is Osama Bin laden dead?


yeh he is noticeable by his absence alright...I reckon theyre busy grooming some lookalike to look and behave exactly like him so they can put out videos claiming to be the real deal.
Maybe he has changed his mind about the whole fundamentalist thing, shaved and got a hair cut and is living the high life in Paris or London?!?
Me again, infidels

I went on a management course which majored on delegation - I've been doing a bit of delegating, that's all there is to it.

Hey, you guys are holding me from my annual celebrations.

"I haven't gone away you know."

- Do you have a beard and have links to various unsavoury characters?
Mistaken identity

You probaly have mixed me up with this commie
Re: ?

So if you don't appear on television you're dead? There must be millions! Including Santy. And the roller-blade fairy. That's just daft.
Re: ?

There is a good chance I'd bet on it actually Bush is waiting to take Usama down in October in time to be fresh in the minds of the electorate for the November elections. If he doesn't appear dead or captured before then, then my belief in the CIA (in controling world affairs) will be severely damaged.

I think that’s bang out or order waitaminute!! Your not being fair to OBL by comparing him to piggy!!

I see Piggy's stalkers are back. If you ask him nicely guys he might send you an autograph.