Hi - could someone do a quick check on my salary. I have had to take a 10% cut and the difference in take home pay from Jan 2009 to now is 333.00 a week. Another person in here in the same boat but difference is only 290.00 and they on a higher salary and have the same tax credits.
Annual salary 36k
Monthly salary 3,000
Tax deducted 141.42
PRSI deducted 217.99
Income Levy 60.00
Take Home = 2580.59
Monthly Tax credit = 458.58
Monthly Cut off rate = 3788.67
Thanks - I am sure it is all correct but can't understand how another person on an inital salary of 60k (now 54k) is better off than me when I was on 40k (now 36k) after tax deductions, levies etc.
Annual salary 36k
Monthly salary 3,000
Tax deducted 141.42
PRSI deducted 217.99
Income Levy 60.00
Take Home = 2580.59
Monthly Tax credit = 458.58
Monthly Cut off rate = 3788.67
Thanks - I am sure it is all correct but can't understand how another person on an inital salary of 60k (now 54k) is better off than me when I was on 40k (now 36k) after tax deductions, levies etc.