Hello everyone, I recently sold as house to Galway County Council after a long drawn out process. Brief update. I had to do alot with the house before they would sign any contracts which I foolishly did totaling €20K and then they tried to pull out of the sale on a technicality, but after a year of wrangling, it went through for €350K recently. Now as quick as a flash my auctioneer is looking for his cut of 1.5% of the sale price plus 21% VAT + fees coming to around €6K which I think is daylight robbery. He did nothing other than put me in contact with a council engineer who had the list of jobs for me to do before contracts were signed. The auctioneer said to do these jobs or the sale would not go through but when the council tried to pull out I was the one who did all the chasing and jumping through hoops. Nobody would touch the house at that stage as all that was done was to the councils specifications. I know I have to pay him something and I'm not trying to avoid paying but that fee is scandalous. What are my options, Help and advice is appreciated.