Personal details
Your age: 38
Number and age of children: 0, with plans for 0.
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 147k
Monthly take-home pay: 6k
Type of employment: Full time private sector
In general are you:
(a) spending more than you earn, or
(b) saving?
Saving about 500 per month
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 500k
Mortgage on family home: €239k
Cash: 7k
Defined Contribution pension fund: 8% with company matching 5%
Company shares: I do have some but they're pre-IPO and not worth anything right now
Note: I gifted a parent 30k and took out a 10k loan to assist in her move to downsize. When her inheritance comes this year, she will clear the 10k loan. I am not asking for the 30k back, but if I have an emergency, I can request support from her.
Family home mortgage information
Lender: Avant
Interest rate: 1.95%
Type of interest rate: fixed, four years remaining (of seven total)
Remaining term: (Original term is not relevant) 24 year
Monthly repayment: 1040
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Pension information
Value of pension fund: 74k
Life insurance: Yes
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I am considering remortgaging to fund a renovation. Avant will give me a max of 113k in a remortgage, at current market rates. Their minimum remortgage is 75k. This netted out to 200pm extra over 24 years. I am comfortably paying that right now on the 10k loan for my mam and still saving.
I am trying to solve a few problems
I'm trying to figure out if it is a good idea for me to do this now. Specifically, I think things over the next decade in the global economy are going to be unstable (with a big impact on my industry), so future-proofing myself by ensuring I have a nicer home, that I can rent, could bring me some more security overall, while adding only some financial risk.
Also weighing some nuggets I've learned over the years, some from here. Mortgage is the cheapest loan, costs to renovate are only going to go up, renovating early means I get to enjoy it for longer.
Any / all advice welcome.
Your age: 38
Number and age of children: 0, with plans for 0.
Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 147k
Monthly take-home pay: 6k
Type of employment: Full time private sector
In general are you:
(a) spending more than you earn, or
(b) saving?
Saving about 500 per month
Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home value: 500k
Mortgage on family home: €239k
Cash: 7k
Defined Contribution pension fund: 8% with company matching 5%
Company shares: I do have some but they're pre-IPO and not worth anything right now
Note: I gifted a parent 30k and took out a 10k loan to assist in her move to downsize. When her inheritance comes this year, she will clear the 10k loan. I am not asking for the 30k back, but if I have an emergency, I can request support from her.
Family home mortgage information
Lender: Avant
Interest rate: 1.95%
Type of interest rate: fixed, four years remaining (of seven total)
Remaining term: (Original term is not relevant) 24 year
Monthly repayment: 1040
Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc
Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
Pension information
Value of pension fund: 74k
Life insurance: Yes
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
I am considering remortgaging to fund a renovation. Avant will give me a max of 113k in a remortgage, at current market rates. Their minimum remortgage is 75k. This netted out to 200pm extra over 24 years. I am comfortably paying that right now on the 10k loan for my mam and still saving.
I am trying to solve a few problems
- I would like a downstairs bathroom and bedroom, in case I need it or my mother needs to live with me. The footprint of the house is small and currently open plan, so likely this would be a room in the back garden. I know this is potentially not needed for 10 years, or on the off chance I have an accident, but it is on my my mind after some friends have had failing health.
- I would like a second income, as my industry is unstable, so I was thinking of renting out a room to help clear the mortgage and as an option if I am made redundant. In theory, if I built a back garden room I'd consider renting this. I have no side access so it would still be a house share situation but I can live with that. I have heard if you rent a room, it needs to be inside the house, but presumably if it's a nice private bedroom/bathroom situation and the renter is happy, they'd prefer the privacy? I think people ignore this rule but I am 100% open to hear otherwise.
- The house is in ok condition, but things have started to fail, and I think the shower is about to go. It feels smart to put the time / effort into getting a new kitchen, bathroom, moving some doors/radiators etc, and do it all at once, rather than doing it piece meal.
I'm trying to figure out if it is a good idea for me to do this now. Specifically, I think things over the next decade in the global economy are going to be unstable (with a big impact on my industry), so future-proofing myself by ensuring I have a nicer home, that I can rent, could bring me some more security overall, while adding only some financial risk.
Also weighing some nuggets I've learned over the years, some from here. Mortgage is the cheapest loan, costs to renovate are only going to go up, renovating early means I get to enjoy it for longer.
Any / all advice welcome.