Is it too late to train for the mini marathon ?


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I am thinking about signing up for the Flora Mini Marathon on June 4th....think its 10K.
I currently walk for an hour a day and have started jogging in the evenings. I am not mega fit by any means

Would love to set this as a goal for myself...have I left it to late to get in shape ?
I suppose I could run half / walk the rest ???
Any advice ??
No its def not too late to start training.The Flora mini-marathon website has a training schedule that might be some use for you. You can take it at your own pace on the day and because of the crowds at the start you often have to take it at a slow pace till the crowd thins out anyway. have you signed up as a runner, jogger or walker?
I would love to be able to run/jog it.....although will walk it on the day if I can't make it :)

Have no idea how long it will take me to get up to running speed....I know I could walk it but would like to set myself a goal or running/jogging it.

Maybe I should register as a jogger. Was going to start off trying to jog around our local park (its one mile) and try and build it up from there.
It's definitely not too late to train. Go ahead and register today and that will motivate you! You will have to register as a walker or a jogger. You can only register as a runner if you can prove that you can run the 10km distance in under 60mins so you would need your finishing time in a similar event or race.

If you're already jogging a little that's great. And the walking will have given you a good basis. Just build up little by little running for longer and longer. If you get really tired just slow down to a fast walk and get your breath back. Good luck!
Its probably best to register as a jogger. I think this year they were asking that you show proof you have a run a similar distance in a set time. That's handy that you have a mile distance you can test yourself over. Is there a running track or anything near you? I use the one in ALSAA and its great for timing yourself over the 10k.
Check for a local meet and train group. There's a list on the mini-marathon site, and also in the Evening Herald on Thursdays.
Good Luck!
what a great site for measuring runs. Should save me a lot of fuel, and trying to convert miles back into kilometres for calculating my pace!
You could try walking/jogging the Bupa 10k run on 15th April. After this I should have proof of running 10k under 60mins and then I'll enter the womens mini marathon. I wouldn't bother entering as jogger or walker because there's usually too many groups of walkers (registered as joggers and previoulsy runners) blocking the route for everyone else at the beginning.
I did a 5k run with no training whatsoever and didn't have too many problems (got a bit knackered obviously) and I smoke. With a bit of training you should be alright.
like you ice this is my first time to enter the marathon. i only start training 3 wks ago. gave up smoking for lent and set this task for myself to achieve. i dont know if i shoul register as a walker or jogger. if i choose jogging can i walk it if i get tired.
10k does not need training for unless you're planning to run it. It doesn't make much difference whether you register as a jogger or a walker with all the crowds in front of you. I've done it 3 times and just turned up, I'm not super-fit or anything but at a brisk walk you should be able to do 10k under 90 mins.

Best tip is go alone or with one other person, then you can get by the groups on the outside.