Is it time to offer Student Loans instead of 3rd Level Grants?


Registered User
Reading several threads I note that the 3rd Level Student Grant system is quite an issue in Ireland. We have people who can easily acquire grants who have no entitlement other than somebody who is prepared to cook the books. We have a considerable amount of people just over the grant entitlement threshold too. Those who can will continue to benefit from false claims. It's a tradition in Ireland and always will be.

I know in some countries the student will be given a Student Loan by the authorities but it must be paid back later. I don't know the workings of such loans, but is it time to offer loans instead of grants to our 3rd level students? Is this fair? Who will suffer? Who will gain?
In principle I think loans system as your propose would be way better than our unfair grants system.

But how do the other jurisdictions handle the situation of someone emigrating? What's the collateral for the payback of the loan?
Those who can will continue to benefit from false claims.
Perhaps I'm misreading your post but are there false claims? Are you referring to valid claims - claims which qualify under the rules - as false? Perhaps the system/rules need to be changed but there is a system in place. You are either eligible under the rules or you are not.
I know a family in Wexford who didn't quality due to income. The father is a farm labourer. The farmer he works for does quality because his income is lower. The reality is, of course, that the farmer has a much higher income but can "disguise" it.