Is it safe to replace seatbelts on a car?


Registered User
Looked at a second hand MPV that needed 2 seat belts replaced. Seemed to be worn from regular use with baby seats. Just wondering if replacement seat belts are safe or would there be safety considerations?
There'd be no problems at all. Racing harnesses are sold like that, and they have a hell of a lot more work to do than the average seatbelt.
So long as it's CE approved and fitted by a qualified person (preferably the dealership, to ensure insurance compliance on your part without question) then you'll be grand.

Good on ya for thinking about doing that. Most people wouldn't bother tbh.
Yes. I have even fitted belts myself in certain situations.

Be prepared to spend 120++ per belt, plus fitting.
As long as all bolts are tight no problem

Very simple job if you have the tools.
well the seatbelts are actually cut half way through so theres no way they could be used as they are. I'm a bit wary of the state of the car overally so may steer clear. Thanks for the replies.