Is it possible to recondition battery as not able to find new one.


Registered User
Hello there,
Hopefully someone can help me.
I have a 12 V battery for a motorbike which when charged only goes to over 8V which is not enough for ignition. I have checked and am unable to buy the battery in this country, it is a new battery also which is annoying.

If you have any comments they are welcome as I am very keen to get back on the bike.

If the battery is the unsealed type, check the electrolyte level and if its low, top it off with deionised water. Have you tried it on a known good battery charger?

Try the motor-bike section in Halfords for batteries.
try getting serial numbers or any other markings from the battery and google them

I have managed to find all manner of strange and rare batteries for sale on the web in the past - you may have to wait a few weeks for delivery from USA or other though

I don't have much good experience of having sealed batteries reconditioned
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If the water levels were low in the battery, then the plates inside might have been damaged. I would say its cheaper to buy a battery then get someone to look and service one, if such a place exists. If you can't get it in Ireland consider the north or the UK. Might be worth a cheap flight etc.
Thanks for the information guys I am going to attempt to get it reconditioned if that is unsuccessful I will purchase one in the states they are available over there.