is it possible to go to jail in Ireland for white collar crime???


Registered User
I mean, what does it take to be sent to jail in this country for anything to do with white collar crime?

[broken link removed]

I'm to the right in my political views but I have to say I'd be with RBB/Joe Higgins/SF on wanting a crackdown on this type of thing - it's just unreal that anyone could behave as recklessly as this and just end up with a 'restriction' being put in place in certain cirumstances. makes my blood boil
Programme for Government 2011 - 2016

White Collar Crime

  • We will ensure that rogue bankers and all those that misappropriate or embezzle funds are properly pursued for their crimes and that the full rigours of the law will apply to them.
  • We will enact a new consolidated and reformed anti-corruption law to punish white collar crime and end the impunity from consequences for corporate behaviour that threatens the
  • economy. We will strengthen measures to ensure that convicted white collar criminals cannot transfer assets to spouses or other family members and we will empower the Criminal Assets Bureau to pursue such convicted white collar criminals for any legal aid costs
  • awarded to them.
