Is it possible to get Windows XP to recognise a hard disk last used in a Windows 95 c


Registered User
[FONT=&quot]Is it possible to get Windows XP to recognise a hard disk last used in a Windows 95 machine? I’ve connected the Win95 hard disk via an IDE/USB cable to my WinXP machine but Windows does not recognise it. I’ve successfully connected a Win98 HD via the IDE/USB cable and retrieved files, but no luck with the Win95 disk. Any suggestions?[/FONT]
Win95 and Win98 HD's would have the same formatting so this is possible. You may have to change the jumper settings on the HD and/or go into the BIOS settings when the PC is booting to encourage it to recognise the drive
Win9x drives are most likely FAT/FAT32 formatted so XP should be able to read them since it can read FAT/FAT32/NTFS etc. Are you sure that the drive is actually workin? Can you try on another PC? The tip above about jumpers might also be relevant - e.g. if there's a jumper on the master pins then try it on slave or CS (Cable Select) instead.
you say IDE/USB . Which is it ?

A ribbon cable or a usb cable ? Im guessing if it was a usb cable then you installed the drive inside a housing in which case it should be automatically detected as its file system is readable by windows xp. I ve done this myself with as 5 gigabyte windows 95 drive.

If its the ribbon cable then pay attention to cable select and/or jumper settings. There are 2 connections on the ribbon cable , one is for master and one is for slave . Its really easy to do.

But are you sure the win95 drive works ?
Be sure that the jumper settings on the Win95 disk are set to SLAVE, probably set to MASTER if it was the operating system disk on the Win95 machine.

If you do not understand the jumper settings, they may be printed on the disk, and failing that, look up the disk on the web.
I have same problem but i am trying to get vista to recognise hard drive with XP. what should I do?
Re: Is it possible to get Windows XP to recognise a hard disk last used in a Windows

you say IDE/USB . Which is it ?
It is probably both - a USB to IDE adaptor cable such as [broken link removed].
Re: Is it possible to get Windows XP to recognise a hard disk last used in a Windows

It is probably both - a USB to IDE adaptor cable such as [broken link removed].

If its one of those then the whole ribbon cable issue doesnt exist and this is just like a portable storage but his hard drive may need an external power source as theres usually 2 pins on a hard drive, the power pins and the data pins.
Re: Is it possible to get Windows XP to recognise a hard disk last used in a Windows

[FONT=&quot]Thanks for all the help on this. It’s an IDE/USB cable – i.e. an IDE connector to the disk and a USB on the other end to a USB port on the PC. It also has a power connection to power up the disk (and I do earth it). I’ve played around with master, slave, cs jumpers but no luck so far. But I don’t think that’s the problem. I connected a HD last used on a Win98 PC over the weekend and after a few minor problems with paging Windows XP did recognise it. The jumpers, by the way, were set to master, but this shouldn’t make a difference as to XP it’s just another local disk at the USB port. So this Win95 disk may be knackered. Thanks for the help.[/FONT]