Is it possible to encrypt email for free?


Registered User
ANyone know where I could get a programme to encrypt email? Preferably not too big a download (dialup only down here) and free/shareware?

I've tried the usual sites ( and and Googled but without downloading the programme it's difficult to assess ease of use.
MS Outlook allows you to encrypt the email via S/MIME for free, once you have a digital signature. So maybe the question is, where can I get a digital signature for free?
Thanks, RainyDay, you're quick off the mark..

Should have said that both parties are using O.Express. While we would change if that's the best option, the other person probably won't.
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is one of the best tools for this. There is a commercial version available at and a freeware version at

Remember that whoever you send the emails to should have the same tool to decrypt your email and you both need to exchange your public keys (passwords)

GPG is a Free/Open Source Software security suite that, among other things, can encrypt email.