is it possible to be on another scheme while on the BTEA summer holidays ?


Registered User
A family member has a question and I thought that the knowledgeable people here might have an answer so I can help her.

She is claiming BTEA . Can she apply for a course in FAS or get an internship/one of those job-bridge jobs and keep her payment during the summer holidays ?

She has found a company willing to employ her during the summer holidays but only on condition it's as a part of one of these schemes. It would give her much needed experience and help her become a lot more employable on graduation. This makes sense to me if she could take up this ''skilled'' job since jobs during the summer holidays will probably be very scarce, hard to get and do nothing for her chances of getting permanently off the live register when she is finished studying.
According to the JobBridge website, a person must have completed the course that was eligible for BTEA and signed back onto the live register (and be on Jobseekers) in order to be eligible for a JobBridge position. (quote & link below)

It doesn't specify whether a person between years will meet this criteria (if they sign on for the summer holidays).

Periods spent on Back to Education Allowance, VTOS, FÁS/Fáilte Ireland Training course, Youthreach, FIT, Community Employment Schemes, TUS, the Rural Social Scheme, Back to Work Scheme, FÁS Job Initiative or Job Assist will count towards meeting the eligibility of JobBridge provided:

- The individual has completed these programmes
- Has signed back on to the Live Register
- Is in receipt of Jobseekers Benefit/Allowance or Jobseeker credits immediately before commencing on JobBridge.

You do not need to confirm your eligibility until you have been selected by a host organisation, however only jobseekers in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance; Jobseekers Benefit or signing on for credits for a period of 78 days are eligible to participate in the JobBridge scheme..

There is information on the JobBridge site for the host organisations too (regarding registering and advertising the internships).
I doubt that they would approve an internship just for the summer. Here's a link to the criteria for organisations although they don't specifically restrict summer internships.

The employer would also have to advertise the position.

The payment structure for the internships is that you get an additional 50 Euro on top of your social welfare payment. I haven't seen any provision for them increasing payment of BTEA (as its not a qualifying payment).

In short, I don't think what the OP is proposing is possible.