Is it possible to backdate your penalty points? Penalty points applied 3mo late!


Registered User
Hi guys

I was wondering is it possible to backdate your penalty points. The girlfriend was caught for running a red light back in January and was stopped by a garda on a motorboke. She paid the fine soon afterwards and finally got a notice from the gardai informing her that the points have now being added to her licence. This notice said that they would come into effect as of April. Should this not be January since this is when the offence took place. She will now have to wait an extra 3 months before those points "disappear".

Thanks in advance for any help!

EDIT: Just realised this should be in the motoring section!
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Re: Is it possible to backdate your penalty points?

Had the same problem three years ago - took them 6 months to put points on licence. Tried to get them back dated but to no avail.
Re: Is it possible to backdate your penalty points?

The same thing also happened to me! Paid my fine etc in late december and received notification re the points in June!! Pretty ridiculous really but there's nothing you can do!
Re: Is it possible to backdate your penalty points?

There is probably some rights being infringed here, like due process and right to a speedy trial etc. I am sure some newly qualified barrister will try it some day in the courts. ;)
Re: Is it possible to backdate your penalty points?

I suspect the whole system will unravel when a rich enough defendant fights in court.

I would argue that the actual punishment lasts more than 3 years as insurance companies will penalise you for pending penalty points and will continue to do so until the points are removed.