Is it possible to avoid VRT bringing car in from UK



Is it possible for me to get a friend who lives in England to buy a car over in England and 6 months later get him to bring it home and register it and then buy it off him? If he could prove that he had lived in England for the previous 6 months then I should get away with vrt, is this possible or ids there some catch?
He has to move here permanently. There's the catch. He'd also have to hold the car here for 12 months before he could sell it.

The VRO have seen many avoidance schemes, and are not silly. Read this site it may be of interest to you .Not sure how accurate the info is but worth investigating. No affiliation . Isn't it a pity the Health Services aren't run as efficiently as the VRT offices.:mad:
Now that would be impressive !
Given the amount of waste in the exchequer it's vital that the tax man collects every penny due! VRO's are pretty on the ball.