Is it more financially viable to be on benefits than the minimum wage


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Apologies for the long title. Just wondering what people think on the following. The reason I ask is I work in recruitment. I recently offered a guy a position in a company. It was a 40hour a week entry level role on €21,000 a year the guy had been unemployed for over 7 months. During interview stage he said he was happy with salary being offered. Anyway we officially offered him the position to which he turned down based on the following. He was earning approx €17,000 a year on benefits as he was unemployed he was having most of his mortgage paid for him via social welfare. He was also paying massively reduced amounts on his bank loans due to being unemployed and also had a medical card etc this would all be affected if he returned to work. Is this really the way the country is at the moment? Are people happier staying at home in bed on the dole than out working?
Is this really the way the country is at the moment? Are people happier staying at home in bed on the dole than out working?

Yes. I know someone whose partner lost his job last year, she was staying at home after birth of most recent child. She was recently offered part time work, turned it down on the basis of 'we'd lose our benefits' - same deal as you describe, medical card, mortgage interest being paid etc....

She says if her partner went back to full time work itd be worth his while, but part time for her on minimum wage is not worth it as they would lose too much.
I don't know much about SW - but is it not jobseekers allowance/benefit? I thought people were meant to prove they were actively seeking for work - therefore if they get a job and turn it down, what implications would that have on their benefits?

Also as far as I now, the interest on mortgage benefit is only paid for 12 months? Sounds like he is being very short sighted.
yes, I agree... I think that many people would choose to stay at home rather than working for only a little more.. if a recently unemplyed person gets benefits and Mortgage Interest Relief of some kind, and a medical card then they could easily be better off on the scratch..

The one problem they face is that eventually the benefits will be stopped, or reduced... then they'd be better off working.. but they won't have a job. But people live in the moment, not everyone considers the future..

I think social welfare should be reduced.. even though I know that will cause people many problems I don't see another solution..
Yes I think this is the way things are going. There have been a number of threads started with related stories. It is not seen as shameful to be on benefits as a lot of people are and a lot of people in respectable industries are out of work and on benefits.
I would report this to social welfare after all it's the taxes of those that are working that are paying for him and it is putting our country in further debt. Why should he sit at home and gain from the rest of us when there is a job available to him. I think it is an extremely selfish attitude of him. Also it is why social welfare benefits should be cut.
It's sad to read stories like this. I sincerely hope that its only a minority of people who feel this way. I know I would be ashamed to turn down a job and live on handouts. Unfortunately if SW rates are cut alot of people who are genuinely unable to work will suffer..But then again there really means no alternative.
It is very de motivating to hear of people like this! Again we also have another situation wherby offering 5 day week PT jobs to people who wont take them as they only want a 3 day working week again to enable them to claim benefit entitlements. I understand there are so many genuine cases out there of people who are desperate to get back into the work force and will do anything to get back working! But then you have people who are working the system to their advantage! As a tax payer it makes me angry as an employer it makes me even angrier!
A lot of people worked very hard for the last number of years, got made redundant and see this as a break for a while.. Summer on the golf course and worry about getting a job after..
Does anybody know if there is a number to call to report social welfare fraud?
I know in the UK there is a specific fraud number - anything like that here?

I am seriously considering reporting a man who is claiming Job Seekers and Rent Allowance in Donegal but he is living with a partner and working for cash in Dublin.

He travels to Donegal every week to collect his money.
A lot of people worked very hard for the last number of years, got made redundant and see this as a break for a while.. Summer on the golf course and worry about getting a job after..

I understand this Chris however there are many more people who would love the option of a break paid for other tax-payers money.However is this not why the country is in the situation it is at the moment. I know the story is jobs are hard to come by but when people are turning down jobs because they earn more money not working its very frustrating!
When I was on the dole several years ago I ended up taking a low paying simply because sitting around all day was so depressing. I imagine most people are the same.

I think the dole should carry different rates for job seeker's benefit and allowance, with a lower rate for allowance.
I know a chap who gave up a 20hr a week caretaker job last year to go on benefits. He has two kids also and was far better off. I couldnt believe it when i heard it. It just doesnt fit right does it.

It all means one thing. Benefits are far too high. They must be cut.

What would be fairer i think is that they cut the long term unemployed first and let the people who recently lost their jobs alone for the moment.
I understand this Chris however there are many more people who would love the option of a break paid for other tax-payers money.However is this not why the country is in the situation it is at the moment. I know the story is jobs are hard to come by but when people are turning down jobs because they earn more money not working its very frustrating!

Being a person who is on an (enforced) 'break' I would have to say that rounds of golf are the furthest thing from my mind as to pay for a round of golf would mean cutting out dinner for a few nights. I also happened to pay taxes which is probably why I now receive sw payment. If it was cut from €204 per week i wouldn't complain but it is hardly allowing me a lavish lifestyle. i have cut things down to the bare bone and applied for everything, but even the min wage jobs don't get back.
It isn't a story that jobs are hard to come by there are as rare as hens teeth.
Sometimes the story of a friend about a guy should be seen as what it is, a story.
This is a common experience but he may qualify for other benefits like FIS. Receipt of JB is based on the condition that one is available for and genuinely seeking work. If this person has not accepted an offer of what seems reasonable employment - I would think he has just not complied with the condition for receipt of payment that they have to accept suitable employment.... and the DSFA could be informed about this, its up to you at the end of the day.