Is it just me?


...or does anyone else think the current dangerous driving conditions are a perfect excuse for doing handbrake turns in the car park?
The worst part about the icey conditions is that on the main roads (where there is no ice) people are driving 20 miles per fortnight !!!
As we have no proper skid pans (that I know of), I think it makes sense to practice controlling the car in slippery conditions, if you have a large enough space to make mistakes safely... I've done this myself and I think the experience of seeing how your car behaves is very useful.

A colleague of mine with decades of driving exp is still petrified when driving on even slightly slippy conds. One of those who does 10mph, white hands on the wheel etc etc. I've suggested she do the above but she won't hear of it....
Ha ha, i think the biggest problem drivers have is that they panic and slam the breaks, i have tried in vain telling people to tap the breaks instead of slamming them but it is falling on deaf ears !