Is it crazy to think of a mortgage for 23yo single guy?

Thanks for all the responses, I appreciate every one of them.

I think I'll hold off making any rash decisions and reassess my circumstances this time next year, unless I find something at a great price.

Someone mentioned that the house I posted a link to, which was valued at 300,000 is really worth 230,000 in todays market. Is that really the case? I hear people saying stuff like that but I really can't see anyone dropping their asking price by such a vast amount, it just seems too ambitious to expect such a bargain. I have no interest in that house, I pulled it from as an example of a 300,000 house in south Dublin. South Dublin is the area I would be looking at for family, work and social life.

I don't hold a degree as I stupidly dropped out of college, so I started a part time degree last September, so I should have a degree within four years provided everything goes to plan. I realise I would take a substantial drop in salary if I were to pursue a career in that field in four years time, I am really doing it so I have a formal qualification if I decide to emigrate later in life.

A similar house (3br end terrace) in the same estate dropped their price by 80k (and is still for sale).
Why not just rent your own place for a while instead of rushing into buying something?
I think with your salary and age in consideration Affordable wouldn't be the way to go. Look for a property that has room for increases in value even if it means buying one that is in a bit of a state. Location is going to be very important if your going to depend on renting out rooms aswell. If you have comfortably made those kind of savings I would say that you should have no problems handling a mortgage.