Is it a good idea to invest additional money in an employee share ownership plan


Registered User
Do you think its a good idea to invest additional funds from savings which are not earning much interest into an employee share ownership scheme in addition to the annual bonus received for tax purposes?
It depends on the company, I did for years when I worked for one of the Banks then watched it disappear in the crash. I suggest you would consider this if you were staying long term with the company.

I would not do it if it were a small company.
The simple answer to the question is, no.

You should diversify any investments away from your employer.
Is there a benefit of additional 'free' shares or are the shares subsidized?
Is it once-off or recurring (e.g. monthly)?
Do you mind preparing tax returns (income tax for dividends, capital gains tax return for profits/losses)?

With share-matching/subsidized shares it can be a very lucrative and low-risk savings scheme. .
The simple answer to the question is, no.

You should diversify any investments away from your employer.

I agree. Savings and income should not be reliant on the same company. It being a large multinational isn't a safeguard. Look at Enron, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers. Reinvesting bonuses into company shares was seen as a sign of company loyalty. See where that got them...out of work and their savings all gone!
