You appear to have issues dealing with the facts that I have pointed out to you as can be clearly seen above.
Secondly, u gave the impression in your previous post that Irish people who had invested in gold with euros had lost even more than those who had invested in dollars ("Double whammy of currency risk and asset risk for euro investors...").
This is factually incorrect as the euro, (like sterling but not by as much) has fallen sharply against the dollar and gold resulting in euro gold prices being up 15% since the start of 2008 (ISEQ is down 15%).
I sincerely believe that gold will at least reach it's inflation adjusted high of $2,400/oz as per the Economist chart seen on the previous page. That is not touting just my sincerely held belief. Assets become bubbles when they reach their inflation adjusted high and gold is less than half it's inflation adjusted high today - $915/oz.
I also sincerely believe that gold is a safe haven currency.
And 5000 years of history would corroborate this. Every single paper currency since the dawn of time has collapsed in a hyperinflationary collapse and unfortunately I fear that this may happen again in the coming years as warned of by David McWilliams recently.
Rereading this thread it is interesting that those who continually bash gold rarely offer alternatives and often are incorrect in their assertions and sometimes factually incorrect.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
You keep selling gold Cancan and I will keep buying it and in 5 years time lets see who is correct.
Gold is a safe haven otherwise the People's Bank of China and other central banks internationally would not be selling their huge dollar reserves and buying gold:
Major economies eye boost to gold reserves
Reuters via The Guardian
Diversify and own some gold Cancan (if even only a small amount)- tell your friends and family to do the same.
I genuinely and sincerely believe that your closed mindedness and obvious bias may cause you much financial pain in the coming years .
Happy Girl - you should do the same. Own some gold in order to protect yourself but do not put all your eggs in gold (or in equities, property, bonds or cash).
Now more than ever a really diversified balanced asset allocation is essential.