Is fear the number one tool now to win elections?

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Over the past few years I've noticed a common trend in major elections where the winning side has won by using fear as a tool in the lead up to the elections and I see the same tool being used now in the Lisbon Treaty lead up. For example Bush won the last US election by basically portraying himself as being the best person to defend US against terrorists - since then I'd argue they have become even more unpopular globally and thus made themselves even more susceptible to attack. FF won the last election by portraying themselves as being the best placed to manage the economy in the downturn ahead (so safer to stick with us rather than take a chance on others) - since then I'd argue it would have made no difference who was in charge. And now the primary tool of both campaigns in the leadup to the Lisbon treaty seems to be to portray negative sentiments if you don't vote yes/no rather than positive sentiments. Vote No and we'll be punished. Vote Yes and we're doomed to be much worse off in the future. Is this really the way to win elections (note I'm aware it has worked to date!!).
Peoples general fear of change is often targeted by outgoing governments/candidates in elections. Even those who have been unsuccessful in power used the "better the devil you know" tactic.
Fear is always the best way to keep people in line. Now get to work!
The Culture of Fear runs the world, and I too have noticed it is very prominent in the Lisbon Treaty.

If you tell everybody that the world is going to end by global warming or they are going to get killed by a terrorist, then you can get away with murder yourself and remove all their freedom.

Its worked for years, and is working easier as each year passes as the cattle are beginning to fear everything. Just watch any news programme or read any newspaper - its 75% scare stories.
Agreed Ceig Beag. It certainly seems to be the case. It is the strongest and oldest emotion in man and has been used to great effect in recent years by GW Bush.

"What are fears but voices airy?
Whispering harm where harm is not.
And deluding the unwary
Till the fatal bolt is shot!"

A very good thread Ceist Beag.

I would go further in that at the last election, IMHO people allowed another base trait, their own greed, possibly stoked up by fear, to influence their choices. You will remember that towards the end of the campaign FF sent out Ahern (Dermot), Martin and Cowan to play the economy card ..i.e. who do you trust to keep the Celtic Tiger going.