Is 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' is the funniest series ever to come out of the US?



Hi, Anyone out there agree that Curb Your Enthusiasm is the funniest series ever to come out of the US?

Larry David is a genuis and has me in knots at each episode. More 4(Digital Channel ) are starting from the first episode of Series 1 next Sunday night for anyone interested.
Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm

I could not agree more.

The programme on with Ricky Gervais the other night showed some bits I hadn't seen in ages and they had me creased up again.
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Class show. I bought the first 2 series on DVD. I never tire of watching it!!
At last some people appreciate this :)

Girlfriend cant see the humour but It has me on the floor with laughter. Have the first 4 on DVD and watched some of them over the Christmas man the Doll episode is gas

Got series 5 on the net and its just as funny not sure if this has been shown yet Last episode is hilarious with Liver transplant

Considering that muck Friends is on every station almost every night its a travesty that this is not on terrestrial TV TG4 use to show it not sure if they show it any more ?
I agree that it is an acquired taste. My wife cannot watch it because she finds it too 'cringe-worthy'.

I first saw it a year or two ago when BBC3 showed all of Series 2 in one night. I started off being not quite sure, but happy to stay with it cos I'm a big Seinfeld fan. By the end, I was hooked.

There was an episode with 4 distinct threads that he brilliantly knitted together in the final scene. Other sit-com makers would have dragged an episode out of each thread, and made muck out of each of them.
Yes, its hilarious. I have the first 3 seasons on DVD. It is very 'clever' comedy. I was delighted to see Ricky Gervais meets Larry david last week as they are my two favorite comedienes. Like Ricky, I find myself thinking that Larry is usually right in the situations he finds himself in.
Maybe ... I think Malcolm in the middle is even funnier. I just don't know where they come up with the ideas ...
Am I the only person alive who just doesn't get The Simpsons ?

I agree it is funny, but am perplexed when I see it topping those Channel 4 'Best Ever ..' programmes.

Then again, many people don't get Larry David, or Seinfeld, or Larry Sanders - and I swear by them.

Probably just me so.
Michael said:
Hi, Anyone out there agree that Curb Your Enthusiasm is the funniest series ever to come out of the US?

Larry David is a genuis and has me in knots at each episode. More 4(Digital Channel ) are starting from the first episode of Series 1 next Sunday night for anyone interested.

No "My name is Earl" is...C4 Friday at 10.00. I never stopped laughing all through last weeks episode...looking forward to tomorrow night:D
Larry David
New York Times
January 2006

Somebody had to write this, and it might as well be me. I haven't seen "Brokeback Mountain," nor do I have any intention of seeing it.

In fact, cowboys would have to lasso me, drag me into the theater and tie me to the seat, and even then I would make every effort to close my eyes and cover my ears.

And I love gay people. Hey, I've got gay acquaintances. Good acquaintances, who know they can call me anytime if they had my phone number.

I'm for gay marriage, gay divorce, gay this and gay that. I just don't want to watch two straight men, alone on the prairie, fall in love and kiss and hug and hold hands and whatnot. That's all.

Is that so terrible? Does that mean I'm homophobic? And if I am, well, then that's too bad. Because you can call me any name you want, but I'm still not going to that movie.

To my surprise, I have some straight friends who've not only seen the movie but liked it.

"One of the best love stories ever," one gushed. Another went on, "Oh, my God, you completely forget that it's two men. You in particular will love it."

"Why me?"

"You just will, trust me."

But I don't trust him. If two cowboys, male icons who are 100 percent all-man, can succumb, what chance to do I have, half- to a quarter of a man, depending on whom I'm with at the time?

I'm a very susceptible person, easily influenced, a natural-born follower with no sales-resistance. When I walk into a store, clerks wrestle one another trying to get to me first. My wife won't let me watch infomercials because of all the junk I've ordered that's now piled up in the garage. My medicine cabinet is filled with vitamins and bald cures.

So who's to say I won't become enamored with the whole gay business? Let's face it, there is some appeal there. I know I've always gotten along great with men. I never once paced in my room rehearsing what to say before asking a guy if he wanted to go to the movies.

And I generally don't pay for men, which of course is their most appealing attribute.

And gay guys always seem like they're having a great time. At the Christmas party I went to, they were the only ones who sang. Boy that looked like fun. I would love to sing, but this weighty, self-conscious heterosexuality I'm saddled with won't permit it.

I just know if I saw that movie, the voice inside my head that delights in torturing me would have a field day. "You like those cowboys, don't you? They're kind of cute. Go ahead, admit it, they're cute. You can't fool me, gay man. Go ahead, stop fighting it. You're gay! You're gay!"

Not that there's anything wrong with it.
I must admit I found "The Two Georges Vol 2 - The Iraq Invasion" to be the funniest thing on TV based on the ludicrous excuse for going to war. IMHO.