Is cost of living in Austria cheap?


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Hi my friend went for an interview for a job in austria and the pay is a lot lower than he would get here but the guy said austria is 20% cheaper to live in. Does anyone know if this is true?
I recently spent a few months on and off in Vienna...I found the day to day living expenses comparable with Dublin. Public transport is cheaper but food / drink is about the experience of rent/utilitites tho'
Living is at least 20% cheaper than in Ireland.
If a pub would charge you 4.50 for a pint or 10 Euro for a Burger they would kick the owner's This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language. I would say pubs and restaurants are 30% cheaper at least, with in general better quality of service.
Vienna public transport example: one year ticket for all available transport within Vienna region 450 euro, in Dublin bus, dart, luas: three times.
Rents are in general seriously below 1000 Euro for a 2 bed apartment.
Wages are less (avg wage roughly 24.000 Euro, compared to Ireland around 32.000).