is an maintenance order retrospective



this is an enquiry for a friend with no internet access.
he had been paying 450e per month to his childs mother untill he lost his job last year.he agreed to pay her 240 pm as he was getting ocasional days of work(undeclared to the state) which covered this.this work has dried up now and he has 180 pm to live on after rent bills credit card bank loans food etc and has not paid her for a couple of months.she is taking him to court(dolphin hse).
the question is,
will the court ask him how he was able to pay 240 pm while on the dole and
suddenly cannot pay although (technically) his circumstances have not changed or will they just make an order based on his present/ongoing status.
hope i've been clear. will try to clarify if there any q's.
240 a month is only 60 a month so he might be able to afford that on the dole.
Dont think the judge will be squeeling to the Revenue collectors anyway.

The judge can only judge on facts in front of him. Your friend has nothing to worry about. A few friends of mine have been in there and the ex's have gone in all smug and came out with tail between their legs. The judges interest is in the child/ren and whats best for them. If your friend is trying his best for child/ren the judge will see this and adjudicate accoridngly.