Is an estate agent obliged to display AMV


Registered User
My query is as per the title. When an estate agent advertises a property in the paper does he/she have to include the AMV? Are there diff rules according to the organisation they are affiliated to?
No, they are not obliged to. The rules refer to the situation when an AMV is displayed it must be a realistic AMV.

In my experience, the vendor is usually the one who insists on the price being omitted from ads, not the EA.
In my experience, the vendor is usually the one who insists on the price being omitted from ads, not the EA.

My comment mirrors exactly what is being said by a previous poster.
Desire for privacy/testing the waters/not particularly bright = pretentious?

POA is a classic ploy to generate a certain mysticism about a property.

If you have to ask you can't afford it.
I ask as a particular estate agent always advertises without the price/AMV and it means additional leg work to get those details.