Is a contract signed in a foreign country legally binding in Ireland?


Registered User
If someone signed a contract in another EU country and, due to the recession and complete loss of business, was unable to honour the contract, can the party in Ireland be sued in an Irish court by the foreign company for failing to adhere to the contract?
The contract was likely formed in the EU country, as it was signed there. If that's the case, the contract is subject to the law of that country. The person in Ireland can be sued in the EU country (under that countries laws), and if a judgment is obtained, then the person can apply to get it enforced in Ireland. At that point it has the same force of law here as an Irish judgment.

If it's a detailed written contract, there is probably some clause in the contract agreeing the jurisdiction disputes will be handled under.
Thanks j26, that's very helpful.

We'll go through the fine print in detail to check for any information regarding the jurisdiction.

It's basically a franchise agreement for a period of 9 years, signed in 2006 at the height of the boom. It was no longer possible to continue trading due to the recession.