Is a Certificate of building compliance necessary for conservatory


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We had a conservatory built onto the back of our property about four years ago, should we have received a certificate to say it was exempt from planning permission and building compliance? Was not mentioned by the conservatory company at the time.
Thnaks is advance for any help on this matter.
no, you'll only need a cert when you come to sell the place. Call an
architect and he'll come out and confirm (hopefully) through the
issuance of a cert of compliance with building regulatioons and PP
that all is ok. You can also request a cert from the local
authority that your structure is exempt from PP.
I agree with the above and its better to have it done now rather than leaving it until you need it - ie. going to sell or remortgage. The architect may only issue a qualified cert. compliance regarding building regs as most likely he wasnt there when the structure was erected.
Should the conservatory company have provided these certs at the time of building?, we didn't use an architect and it is exempt from planning.
Thanks, just came as a surprise that we would need an architect if planning to sell or remortgage and was concerned that the conservatory people had forgotten to do something!
As posted above you could always get the planning authority to issue you with a cert. of exemption and then approach the conservatory people and ask them for a cert to state that the materials and works are in full accordance with the building regulations. The problem with their cert is that a solicitor may not accept it unless it was signed off on by an architect or engineer that they would retain.
you could always get the planning authority to issue you with a cert. of exemption

The problem with this is that you have to prepare drawings for the planning authority to adjudicate on and pay the fee (€80 i think). it is sometimes easier to go for retention in the first place, as if you apply for a cert of exemption and it is not exempt you then need to apply for retentionanyway. just check with the planning authority to see if they charge planning levies for small extensions like conservatories.
The Op indicated that it was exempt and we have to accept that. The original query was in relation to getting a cert to confirm that it was exempt so the retention issue does not arise.

An application for a cert of exemption from the PA need only entail a freehand sketch of the overall sizes and its location in relation to the house and perhaps a couple of pics. Simple as that.

BTW extensions are exempt from development contributions regardless of whether they need planning or not.