Is €200 property tax payable by each owner if shared ownership?


Registered User
I have joint ownership of a house with my siblings. Do we each have to pay €200, or is it a total of €200 shared between us?
It only is paid once.

The tax applies to the property rather than the person/persons.
Thanks callybags.

Does it make a difference if the property is the PPR of one of the owners?
i.e. where a property is the PPR of one owner but not another, is it subject to the tax or not?

My situation is rather messy! The property is owned jointly by five siblings and:
- one lives in it as their principal private residence;
- one has a different PPR that they own in Ireland;
- one lives abroad (renting) but is taxed in Ireland;
- one lives abroad (renting) and is taxed abroad;
- one lives abroad (owns PPR abroad) and is taxed abroad.
Hi Thimble

That's way too complicated for my simple mind!

I would suggest you email the relevant Council and ask them. There are contact addresses on .

This way you will have a definitave answer.