Iron Tests @ Blood Donor Clinics

Round Tuit

Registered User
I'm not asking a health question - I'm happy with my iron level so I hope this question is allowed.
I have a problem in that every time I go to donate I fail the iron test (by a small margin), then I ask them could they try again as if you fail you are sent away for 3 months - they say they’re not supposed to - I say “humour me” - they concede and try again, I pass usually by a decent margin too.
I feel bad having to go through this pantomime but I have passed the 2nd test every time they’ve done it which is 4 times now. I also don’t feel I can ask someone about it officially as I don’t want to get the people on the ground in trouble and it wouldn’t be hard for someone to tell where I’d donated and when once they had my name.
I’m pretty healthy, have a good diet and have never suffered any ill-effects after donating.
So - has any one else experienced this? Does anyone know if there’s an issue with the machine they test on?Anyone have any ideas how to resolve it without getting anyone in the IBTS in trouble?
Does anyone know if there’s an issue with the machine they test on?
Do they use a machine? I thought that test just involved dropping the blood into a test tube/vial and observing the results? It's been a while since I've donated though...
Do they use a machine? I thought that test just involved dropping the blood into a test tube/vial and observing the results? It's been a while since I've donated though...
They have a machine in the mobile units a couple of year now.
Anyone have any ideas how to resolve it without getting anyone in the IBTS in trouble?
Why not [broken link removed] and make your query (complaint?) known to them directly?
I wanted to find out more before asking them directly.

As I said in the original post the staff keep telling me they are not supposed to do the 2nd test.

Once I initiate a query they will have my name - they can check that against donor records and see where I've donated and thus who i dealt with there. Maybe I'm overly cynical but I don't want to get anyone into trouble. Some of these places can be more concerned with who broke a rule than solving the problem (if you know what I mean).
Next time you give blood raise the issue with the nurse before you do the first test so that they can check what is happening (or explain why to you).
As it is a machine that does the test its not likely they would get offended if you asked them about it, or get in trouble if you went to someone higher up in the organisation.
I use the machines in the clinic where i donate to and havent heard of this before.
Set up a yahoo mail account and give a different name.
BTW I don't think they will shoot those involved.
Do they use a machine? I thought that test just involved dropping the blood into a test tube/vial and observing the results? It's been a while since I've donated though...
OK - [broken link removed] is the test that I am familiar with and the only one that they've done when I've attended. I haven't been in 5+ years though!
Maybe you could boost your blood iron content by eating the foods mentioned in that document in the week before attending and this might avoid any false negatives or second tests?
Maybe I'll go the false name route,

I do make sure I've eaten lots of iron-rich foods in the week before and the right vits to aid absorbtion etc.

I have raised the issue on the last 2 visits before the 1st test. The staff don't take offence and do make sure they get good blood flow from the finger etc before testing (which is what they suggest may have been the issue in past tests). The lady last week was really sure there was no way I was going to pass the test on the 2nd try that she nearly fell off her chair - the reading went from 11.5 on the first test (12 is a pass) to 13 on the second which is apparently a big jump.
You could take one of those Iron sachets the day you give blood. I think they're called spatone. I've only ever seen the machines for the iron test.

And make sure you eat before giving blood. The last time I hadn't eaten anything in a few hours and fainted after going to the recovery area. It was very embarrassing!
the reading went from 11.5 on the first test (12 is a pass) to 13 on the second which is apparently a big jump.
As mentioned above you should ask them why this happens next time. Or maybe ask your GP about it?
The blood bank will not take blood if you are currently taking iron tablets, so I would forget about the Spatone. I know this because my three sons donate regularly and the last time my youngest got a letter stating that his Hgb was a bit low, I think it was 13.8 and they advised he check up with his doctor and they will call him again in six months. They said they will not take blood if you are on iron tabs. They still took his blood on the last donation but his ************************** Ferritin (Iron stores ) may have been low. GP prescribed Ferrograd C.