Irish women as consumers of porn?

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Betsy Og

Registered User
OK since its such a slow news week/month/year on AAM, I'll throw this in.

While watching Fiver or wan a dem channels on satellite they had this vox-pop type show (you know the minor actors and comedians give their tuppence about a particular point).

Anyway porn got mentioned (careful choice of words there!) and there was this succession of ladies in their 20's or 30's all of whom were talking about their "stash" - i.e. their collection of porn videos - the same as if everyone had such a collection. I was a bit surprised, albeit that participants on those shows either ham it up or are very liberated in their views.

So if it was Irish women would they respond similarly? As a bloke I dont have any DVDs etc etc, not that I'm "agin it" but dunno if the wife would be impressed and it just seems a bit naff. Plus its unnecessary with d'internet!

So anyway I was always led to believe that women had no interest in porn, that its lack of subtlety ruined any effect, is this a fallacy? or is it just dem brazen hussies across the water?
I think lots of women are interested in porn, they just don't admit it as freely as men! It's still a bit taboo, more so than it is for men.
I doubt that if you asked 100 women anonymously, nowhere near half would say they owned a single DVD themselves, but I would contend a fair quota would say they would watch if their significant other(s) suggested it. (I am purposing avoiding using the phrase "admit to watching" as it is not a crime or anything taboo).

I would disagree with the theory about lack of subtlety and women needing a storyline, women can be just as interested in the getting straight to the main event as the next man, so to speak.....
I think most women have some interest in porn - ranging from curiosity to enhancement. Most women I know feel this way but I don't know any who would have a stash as such. In fact I don't even know any men who would have either - as mentioned, not really necessary these days is it?

I think a lot of women in these shows are attention seeking brats TBH and mostly yes, they are very much hamming it up. "Oooh look at me, I'm mad" ladette type of thing. I'm sure there are some women who have stashes alright but I really don't think it's very common.
I personally dont own porn dvds or such, cos I think if you've seen one you've seen them all. I would have no problem admitting to watch it but again it gets boring after a while. Nothing better than the real thing
Interesting thread!

I'm trying to think of a way of putting this, while still about it... but would you think more women have "other related items" over a porn dvd?

Again, trying not to get too dirty here (and I don't weant to get to specific for fear of moderator anger!)
Interesting thread!

I'm trying to think of a way of putting this, while still about it... but would you think more women have "other related items" over a porn dvd?

God yeah. I dunno why you are embarrassed about naming them though, it's perfectly healthy and normal for a consenting adult, no?

Personally I have to say I keep mine in my bedside locker, especially for when my husband is away.

He's not all that keen on Sex and the City DVD box sets, after all.
He's not all that keen on Sex and the City DVD box sets, after all.

There a brilliant segment in a recent Ross O'Carroll Kelly book about SATC box sets, basically this African girl that Sorcha (his ex-wife) had sponsored came to Dublin to meet her. Sorcha was in the US so the African girl ends up watching the box sets, totally over- influences her to hilarious results.

BTW great post Vanilla, I knew you were the sharing type....
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God yeah. I dunno why you are embarrassed about naming them though, it's perfectly healthy and normal for a consenting adult, no?

Personally I have to say I keep mine in my bedside locker, especially for when my husband is away.

Naming what?. Keep what in your bedside locker?

By the waI personally dont own porn dvds or such, cos I think if you've seen one you've seen them all. I would have no problem admitting to watch it but again it gets boring after a while. Nothing better than the real thing

Agree 100%
cos I think if you've seen one you've seen them all.

Proof (as if it were needed) that porn is created almost exclusively for a male audience.

No man would ever say the above, or believe it. On the contrary, I think many men will admit a holy grail type quest as far as porn goes. There is always something else.

Well when you see the state of the men in these films its kinda obvious who they are designed to appeal to

Personally speaking I dont own any such things
I'd agree with the "after 5 minutes its boring" sentiment. If it hasnt .... err... served its purpose by then I dunno.

I recall once entering a room where a few lads had a porno on, jeez twas uncomfortable watching, a definite solo sport I think.

On a somewhat related not I dont see the point at all of strip clubs/pole dancing etc. And paying for IT (even if single) is beyond the beyonds.
Well when you see the state of the men in these films its kinda obvious who they are designed to appeal to

I agree, the women are always stunners, the men are always very mediocre comparatively speaking.

Now if they made porn with men like Eric the Vampire from True Blood - then I might be more interested!!

On another note, the close up shots - they just remind me of medical programs. I mean seriously, whats sexy about close ups of peoples interacting genitals?
I agree, the women are always stunners, the men are always very mediocre comparatively speaking.

Very much a generalisation really. In the 70s this was often true but not really since.

In US porn it is a lot more standardized alright, especially these days - indentikit barbies, chiseled buff men etc but it's duller than dishwater TBH.

Europe has always been the aficionado's centre of the adult world and really has quite a different approach to the whole thing.

So I'm told.

I mean seriously, whats sexy about close ups of peoples interacting genitals?

Again, you are not a man.

Seriously, it's all very visual for them. I mean sex itself - which is why porn is popular in the first place.
Seriously, it's all very visual for them. I mean sex itself - which is why porn is popular in the first place.

Funny that - my OH agrees with me on the close up issue and claims most of his friends would agree. Im talking the extreme close ups here, where it could just as easily be a hairy belly button youre looking at

Perhaps I am generalising on the attractiveness of the men - but I just never think theyre very handsome at all. Sometimes buff, yes, but not sexy. Just bland.
God yeah. I dunno why you are embarrassed about naming them though, it's perfectly healthy and normal for a consenting adult, no?

To be honest, I just didn't want to be too blatent and get banned! I just thought women would be way more likely to own one over porn. My missus says she prefers the real thing...
Perhaps I am generalising on the attractiveness of the men - but I just never think theyre very handsome at all. Sometimes buff, yes, but not sexy. Just bland.

Maybe it has to do with an average-looking man scoring a hot bird.
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