Irish Water / Uisce Eireann have exhausted water extraction from the Liffey, losing half to leaks in Dublin.


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Irish Water (IW) now want to extract millions of gallons of water everyday from the river Shannon and pump it 170km all the way to Dublin to be flushed down the toilet, literally.

At the moment, according to IW, Dublin loses about 50% of its water due to pipe leakages. Without repairing the leaks, IW will continue lose that same 50% of the water pumped from the Shannon through these very same pipes.

Another option is to use a desalination plant using the endless supply of sea water from the Irish sea around Dublin. Desalination plants are used throughout the world to take pressure off this valuable resource.

Never mind the chestnut that IW will also use it to feed the town lands on the way up to Dublin. What about the detrimental affects it will have on the Shannon region, it’s development, it’s environment ?

There will be no incentive for IW to repair the leaks in Dublin, in fact IW will now probably allow the leakages to increase in the knowledge that they can increase extraction at a cheaper rate.

And if you believe that IW will stick to the 2% average annual extraction rate just look at the diabolical situation with regard to the increase in the number of flights and times into and out of Dublin airport sought by interested parties irrespective of the consequences to the people living in Dublin.

This is a major failure of the so called political environmentalists, including MEPs in the various political parties purporting to represent the people of Dublin and now the people along the Shannon.

Not sure what Irish Water are good for, but it certainly ain’t repairing leaks?
Perhaps if water charges had been implemented as planned the leaks may have (partially at least) been addressed. My understanding is that the vast majority of pipes in Dublin are well beyond their expected lifespan. Replacing and maintaining these comes at a cost both economically and socially (disruption etc)

Public water infrastructure is national. Everyone has a right to water. We don’t however have a right to have it pumped to our house. Maintenance of all water should be clearly identified either through direct taxation (water charges- like LPT) or some other mechanism (council rates etc)

Directing water from the Shannon is like robbing Peter to pay Paul (although it’s not Peter’s water ) it doesn’t solve the infrastructure issue. It’s an expensive band aid for a bigger issue
Irish Water say the national rate for leaks is 37%, and the Greater Dublin area is 33%, so better than most.

What you have missed though is that many of these leaks, 14,000 alone in the Dublin area, are on private property, so not IW's responsibility to fix. It's a shame the water charges didn't remain to incentivise people to address that waste.

It's funny that this complaint has raised it's head again in the summer. Of course in winter the good folks of the west are screaming at the government to do something to address high water levels and flooding! If only there was a big pipe....

And if you believe that IW will stick to the 2% average annual extraction rate just look at the diabolical situation with regard to the increase in the number of flights and times into and out of Dublin airport sought by interested parties irrespective of the consequences to the people living in Dublin.
Isn't it just diabolical Joe, all those flights that no one wants.... those pesky airlines shoving them down our throats forcing us to head off on a cheap holiday or carry out business. You know the people living in and around Dublin are the main users of Dublin airport!

This is a major failure of the so called political environmentalists, including MEPs in the various political parties purporting to represent the people of Dublin and now the people along the Shannon.
I'd agree with that, they should never have backed down to the rabble protesting water charges.
Irish Water (IW) now want to extract millions of gallons of water everyday from the river Shannon and pump it 170km all the way to Dublin to be flushed down the toilet, literally.
Yes, that's what's usually used to flush toilets.
At the moment, according to IW, Dublin loses about 50% of its water due to pipe leakages. Without repairing the leaks, IW will continue lose that same 50% of the water pumped from the Shannon through these very same pipes.
Nonsense. Corrected by Leo.
Another option is to use a desalination plant using the endless supply of sea water from the Irish sea around Dublin. Desalination plants are used throughout the world to take pressure off this valuable resource.
Other than the dangerous chemicals produced as a by-product, the environmental impact of increasing the saline levels of the sea water at the plant and the high cost of building and running them there's no need for them as there is more than enough water in the Shannon which can be used with no impact on the people who live there (but will help the hundreds of thousands of people from there who live in and around Dublin).
Never mind the chestnut that IW will also use it to feed the town lands on the way up to Dublin. What about the detrimental affects it will have on the Shannon region, it’s development, it’s environment ?
None. There are no detrimental impacts.
There will be no incentive for IW to repair the leaks in Dublin, in fact IW will now probably allow the leakages to increase in the knowledge that they can increase extraction at a cheaper rate.
Leo cleared that one up too.
And if you believe that IW will stick to the 2% average annual extraction rate
They will do what they are told by the elected government of the country.
just look at the diabolical situation with regard to the increase in the number of flights and times into and out of Dublin airport sought by interested parties irrespective of the consequences to the people living in Dublin.
It's great.
This is a major failure of the so called political environmentalists, including MEPs in the various political parties purporting to represent the people of Dublin and now the people along the Shannon.
I agree, they should ignore the utter nonsense being spouted by ill informed reactionary knuckle draggers with a chip on their shoulder in the Shannon region.
Not sure what Irish Water are good for, but it certainly ain’t repairing leaks?
Considering the chronic under investment in the water infrastructure for decades I think they are doing an excellent job of repairing leaks.