Irish water pension v Civil service pension.

Meath Lady

Registered User
A friend working in the civil service since 2009 has been offered a position with Irish water. He is wondering how will this affect his pension if he takes this position. Can you transfer your pension to Irish water, or would this be a completely different pension scheme. If you got a promotion in later life back to the civil service would you then be a new entrant. Any help or thoughts appreciated.
Staff who transferred to Irish Water from local authorities kept their original pension schemes. New employees were offered a defined contribution scheme. As you describe it, it sounds like your friend would be leaving the Civil Service and taking up a job with Irish Water (rather than their post being transferred to Irish Water). If this is the case I guess they would be joining the defined contribution scheme.But they should check out if this is so in their own circumstances.

If someone leaves the public service he/she can (and must, I think) rejoin their original scheme if and only if he/she rejoins public service employment again within 26 weeks. Otherwise they join the Single Scheme (ie, the post 2013 scheme).
Just to clarify on the previous post. If your friend took a Career Break from the Civil Service and returned at the end of it, then the 26 week rule would not apply. He/She would resume in their original pension scheme.
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Yes they would be leaving the civil service to take up a position in Irish water. Do you know if you can apply for a career break to work somewhere like Irish water or is a career break purely for travelling, or minding kids etc.
Thank you early Riser . I will bring this to his attention but as you say I dont think Irish Water is private sector. Many thanks for your help