Irish Times - print 4 pages today detailing where to buy the paper in the UK!


Registered User
I found it a bit odd that the IT would print 4 pages today detailing where to buy the paper in the UK.

Apart from the waste of paper, why couldn't they just publish it online ?

Anyone who bought the paper today obviously knows where to buy it.

Having said all that, I'm quite impressed at the amount of outlets they sell at !
Presumably the logic is that all the emigrants who have temporarily returned to the auld sod for their Christmas holidays will read today's IT (in Ireland), be reminded how wonderful it is, and on becoming aware that a shop just down the road from them in London or wherever sells it, will resolve then and there to buy it every day when they go back to the UK.
lukegriffen said:
I found it a bit odd that the IT would print 4 pages today detailing where to buy the paper in the UK.

Apart from the waste of paper, why couldn't they just publish it online ?
Unless they dropped some news coverage to facilitate these 4 pages then what does it matter?