Irish Life Fees and switching

Jordan Belfort

Registered User
Thinking of investing in Irish Life Clear Invest and have a couple of questions.
1. Irish life published fees for clear invest appear to be 1.5-1.65%. Would any execution only services do better than that ?
2. If I switch between funds does that trigger an immediate tax liability? i.e Is the fund sold, tax deducted and new fund purchased ?
3. If there are tax free switches allowed what is the scope of funds I might be allowed to swap to ? Just clear invest funds or any Irish life fund ?

1. Yes. Maybe not with ILAC though. You'd be beeter of trawling through this post and
2. No, not internal switches on the same plan.
3. Not 100% on this but the booklet just lists 9 funds so I'd say that's what you're limited to.
