[broken link removed]
The Clear Tracker gives a multiple of the return on the [broken link removed] index.
Although it is a simple product, I would welcome a double check of my figures.
|Option 1|Option2
Period|3 years 6 months|4 years 6 months
Capital protection|100%|100%
Multiple of return|80%|115%
Averaging |6 months|12 months
Effective multiple of return|74%|102%
The documentation is very well written and the product is clear.
Comparison with direct investment in Euro Stoxx
Option 1 Assuming 20% growth in Index over 3 years 6 months
|Option 1|Euro Stoxx directly
Add dividend Income|0|111
Add growth|120|131
74% of growth|115|
Cost of the guarantee: 11% dividend income + 26% of the growth
Option 2 -
Assuming 25% growth in Index over 4 years 6 months
|Option 2|Euro Stoxx directly
Add dividend Income|0|114
Add growth|125|139
102% of growth|126|
Cost of the guarantee: 14% dividend income reduced by a sliver of additional growth.
Put your money on deposit and buy an option.
Calculation of effective rate of return
|Option 1|Option2
Period|3 years 6 months|4 years 6 months
Capital protection|100%|100%
Multiple of return|80%|115%
Averaging |6 months|12 months
Loss of return|3 months|6 months
Effective return|39/42|48/54
Effective multiple of return|74%|102%