Irish House to Earnings multiple lowest in Europe.


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The house price to income ratio in Ireland at 6.69 (according to the below) is the lowest among 40 European countries, except Iceland.

The CSO give average earnings as €45, 111which times 6.69 gives €301,792, which strikes me as a little more than the actual figure, although I find sale price data hard to locate.
The CSO give average earnings as €45, 111
The index seems to use the following: "net disposable family income, as defined as 1.5 * the average net salary (50% is assumed percentage of women in the workforce)"

These comparisons are always hazardous. Is average net salary for full-time workers or both full-time and part-time workers? Is it the mean or median? Is it from surveys of households or employers?

Methodology is not at all clear.
according to the below
You need to read how they make up the figures...

"Our formula assumes and uses:

  • net disposable family income, as defined as 1.5 * the average net salary (50% is assumed percentage of women in the workforce)"


It's not based on any official data, but crowd sourced. You can add to the data set if you like!

Here's the inputs that the data is based on, assumes property of 90 sq m.

Edit: typos - fixed predictive text nonsense.
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