Irish Guards visit Ireland


Registered User
I'll all for good relations with the neighbours but not to the point of inviting British soldiers who insist on calling themselves Irish.............if you follow me.

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I know many of them may be Irish, north or south but...........
I don't really see the problem. Do you have the same problem with Notre Dame footballers calling themselves the Fighting Irish playing the US Navy in Dublin in two weeks?

The Irish guards have a rich Irish tradition. You may not like them or agree but many Irish people from both sides of the border of fought and died for that regiment. I have no problem with them coming over. In fact I would say they put on a great show and it is for a great charity so I might attend. Thanks for the link!
Sure I'd say you're not even Irish yourself, OP, with a name like that. Go on away home to another Galaxy for yourself and stop complaining.
Notre Dame are not calling themselves Irish soldiers, that's my issue.

They could change their name to Romulan Guards, it has a nice ring to it.

Would you have any issues with French or other armies who have had Irish brigades in the past coming here?

Is it the fact that they are British soldiers coming here or the fact that they're an Irish Regiment in the British Army that annoys you?

Don't have a problem myself with it. Did you have a problem with the head of the British Armed Forces coming here last year (the Queen)?
Sure I'd say you're not even Irish yourself, OP, with a name like that. Go on away home to another Galaxy for yourself and stop complaining.

[pedantic nerd]
Romulans come from the same Galxay as we do.
[/pedantic nerd]
Would you have any issues with French or other armies who have had Irish brigades in the past coming here?

Ah for goodness sake- we're going from bad to worse. Whatever about the poor old Brits, sure we don't want the French over here at all. They're mad altogether. Probably steal our women and all that.

[pedantic nerd]
Romulans come from the same Galxay as we do.
[/pedantic nerd]

There's always one.
Irish Guards certainly aren't calling themselves Irish soldiers either! The Irish Gueards recruit from Northern Ireland and Irish communities in the UK.

We're very quick to tell Barak Obama he's Irish, but when it's the other way round...
Course they're Irish

Their mascot is an Irish wolfhound
Can't get more Irish then that!