Irish Financials and Dividend Yields - Good Value?


Registered User
As the share prices of the big financials (BofI , AIB etc...) continue to tank, it is getting to the point where their dividend yields are now in the low teens: 13-15% is typical.

1. Can they maintain the dividend yield?

2. If the answer is yes, do they then represent better value as share purchases than putting the same money on deposit with those same banks - notwithstanding the obvious continued downside risk to the share price?

Of course if they can't maintain the dividend, then all bets are off. But, it seems to me that we're getting to the point where the price is looking silly.

On a related note, is there anywhere I can plot long term charts for Irish stocks, including moving averages, etc...?



Just found one site and plotted this 5 year chart.

[broken link removed]


Note the long term support at $40(ish). When this broke it really collapsed.

......and here's a longer term chart.

[broken link removed]

Lots of support in the $17-21 dollar range.
