Irish ferries



Has anyone else ever been left in Cherbourg cause Irish ferries loaded the ship wrong?
Sat two weeks ago we were checked in an hour early for the Normandy in Cherbourg with a van full of wine. They loaded the ferry wrong and raised the car deck with 130 spaces still on it. then they started to load the trucks and vans. lots more cars arrived and got on before us even though they got there after us. then they loaded a forty foot artic that had not booked. there we were on the ramp the van in front of us got on and then they told us sorry we are full!!!!!
The next Irish ferries sailing to Rosslare was the following tuesday evening and we had a hire van!! another €400!!!
We were lucky a ship was meant to sail on Friday but didn't because of bad weather it sailed later on sat so we got that but otherwise we would have been left there! To be fair Irish ferries got us on the other ship and gave us a voucher for a free trip but we were raging!! Imagine having three ton of wine and no where to go they would not even pay for a hotel!!!