Irish equivalent of the RAC Full Inspection in UK?


Registered User
Everybody highly recommends this comprehensive RAC inspection before importing a car from the UK, but is there an equivalent inspection here in Ireland? I mean, why would you feel any more secure about buying here?
I wouldn't trust a Main Dealer as far as I'd throw a banker.
I'm considering spending more money than ever before on a car, and while I'm looking at a number of models, I would consider paying for a full inspection when I narrow it down to 2 or 3, for peace of mind.
And what kind of reception am I likey to get from the Main Dealer Salesman?

And finally ..... what on Earth do these things really mean: Renault Diamond Cover or FordSelect (two examples)??
I asked a Ford Salesman was the car covered by FordSelect, and he didn't know what I was talking about! And if you search on Renault used cars, only a handful are actually marked with Diamond Cover. What does that say about the rest of them??? ..... :confused:

Hope someone can enlighten me. Thanks.
Thanks mathepac.

I rang the AA. The cost of a 3-hour inspection is .....

(wait for it)


This country really is up its This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language.

Does anybody know of anyone else offering a similar service for a less exorbitant price?
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You will have to give us the spec of the car so we a compaire it to the UK prices :
Thanks Towger.

1.8L, so the equivalent quote from AA UK is £191 or 208.

Maybe they'll come down from the North and inspect it for me :)