Irish credit card details leaked.


Registered User
Surprised this hasn't already come up as a topic of discussion.

Basically scammers are suspected of having obtained CC details from assumingly an Irish online retailer. IPSO are still trying to track down the most probable source. A website is being used by the scammers to test the cards using low-value purchases. Banks have been monitoring CC transactions and canceling affected cards.

Full story [broken link removed]

"CREDIT cardholders whose details were used illegally when fraudsters gained access to the database of an Irish online retailer will not suffer any financial loss, it was confirmed yesterday."

The most worrying part is this quote from the article:
IPSO said it was not clear if the name of the website would be made public, if identified.

If the source is determined are they not compelled to name the source of the leak?
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Basically scammers have obtained CC details from an Irish online retailer.

Nope, scammers have obtained a batch of Irish credit card details and are testing them online. Multiple issuing banks are affected so IPSO are assuming that an Irish online retailer is at fault. This may turn out to be wrong.
Nope, scammers have obtained a batch of Irish credit card details and are testing them online. Multiple issuing banks are affected so IPSO are assuming that an Irish online retailer is at fault. This may turn out to be wrong.

Thanks, so the reports of the CC data source are speculative. Looks like some detective work is still needed.

But if a source is positively identified, are they obliged to go public?