Irish Broadband RipWave - Dublin 8


Registered User
Does anyone have experience of using the ripwave in Dublin 8 (Kilmainham / Inchicore areas)?

Need to get broadband, don't have a phone line and money is tight - so unfortunately it's looking like the only option.

Or how about Digiweb's basic package?

Any advice much appreciated.
I wouldn't recommend IBB... I had fierce trouble with them. They lied about doing LOS test & results, they call to install it & said I wouldn't get a signal without even getting out of thier van...
They couldn't supply me a service on either Ripwave or Breeze even thoug I am 500m from their mast & it can be seen from my back garden...
Even though my neighbour 3 doors up has it..
I agree. IBB are very unreliable. We use them at work and we often have problems. There is another wireless alternative called Clearwire i think but dont know much about them. If you have NTL digital you could also enquire about getting their broadband which wouldnt use a phone line. Although when i rang them about 8 months ago it wasnt available in the D8 area.
Thanks for the replies - yeah I tried ntl but they don't supply to D8 yet.

I agree IBB can be difficult - I had a ripwave before in D14 - it was terrible, today it'd be fine, tomorrow it wouldn't work at all sort of thing. I was putting it down to reception and just wanted to see what people using this in the area were exsperiencing.

Clearwire sounds good, but it's around 35 a month as opposed to 18.85.
€18.95 p.m. is expensive if the service doesn't work. I've heard nothing but bad reports about RipWave too and would not recommend IBB having used their Breeze service in two business situations with very mixed results. I found their service unreliable and their support poor.
From viewing different forums it would seem IBBs reception problems are the same everywhere.
You could get lucky I suppose. The good thing about RipWave is that you are not locked into any contract so you could get it and try it for a month and ditch it if it doesn't work for you.
mate of mine used it in Kilmainham (GCV). pure pants very poor signal even with LOS to the nearest base st.