Irish Bank Shares


Registered User
I know there are other threads on this atm and yes I have read them, slightly different Q here though..

Right, so first off I'm a complete novice here, completely out of my depth so forgive the ignorance of my questions..

Re: the Government guaranteeing all the banks lately - will this eventually lead to nationalisation of the banks? If so, how long before this might happen?

Now I know a lot of people on here are completely against the idea, but I must say in my ignorant, simple state of mind the low prices atm on the Irish Bank shares is looking very appealing.

I had thought about investing in some shares in some of the irish banks for some time now, but never got around to it.

In my mind it now appears the perfect time to go for it, prices are very low atm, so "buy low, sell high"

I would only be investing an amount I could afford to lose. It would be money I could happily wait 5+ years to mature before I would cash in. I would have no short term use for this money.

Am I missing something glaringly obvious? I mean I know the banks are a very volatile market right now, but with some of them at just 2.5 or so they can't get much lower (well ok, yes they can, but 2.5 is low enough already in my eyes) and I reckon to sit tight on them for a few years as a long term investment they should rise.

Could the nationalisation of a bank mess all this up though?

Also, how exactly would I go about buying the shares, can I just go directly into the bank or do I have to go through a stockbroker or similar?

As I said, please excuse what are probably some laughably noob questions, but this is all brand spanking new to me.. all the same I'm keen to get my foot in the door somewhere while things are looking low.

Thanks all! :)