Irish/Aussie: Retirees from Oz need info on Portlaoise


Registered User
Greetings from Australia. Hope some of you generous participants can help me. My husband and I are active retirees who are returning to live in Ireland, about April 09. We lived in Naas prior to immigrating, but, that town is now too expensive. We have been informed, by son, and, friends in Naas, that Portlaoise is a progressive town with good transport, housing and living conditions. We would be regular travellers to Dublin, Clare, Galway and Cork where we have family. We would be grateful for info from residents, or anyone, as to the best suburbs to live in Portlaoise. We are looking for a small house/town house/bungalow, about 10-15 mins from centre of town, in a nice quiet location. I have been surfing the net and there seems to be some good, reasonably priced, property in Portlaoise. I would appreciate feedback on Esker Hills, Woodgrove, Bianconi Way, Fairgreen, Tri Og Manor, Roselawn, Forrest Park, Carmody Sq. etc.
I am most impressed by the generosity of the subscribers to this site for giving your time and assistance so freely. Only in Ireland!!!
If I can give info to anyone coming to Oz I would be delighted.Looking forward to your responses.
Thanks so much and take care.
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Re: IrishAussie

hi, i would recommend changing the title of your post to portlaoise as that should clarify where you're looking for advice on.

i lived in portlaoise for a few years but on the abbeyleix road and not in any of the estates mentioned so can't really help on that score but i found it a nice place to live. for some reason i wouldn't be mad about bianconi way not really sure why.
Re: IrishAussie


Welcome back!!

I'm not up on Portlaoise- but try editing the title of your post to say that your interest is in Portlaoise and I'm sure you will have loads of replies. If you can't edit the title maybe re-post or ask one of the moderators if they can do it. I'm sure you will get loads more help then.

One thing I do know is that Esker Hills is always being heavily advertised in the papers here every week...and regularally seem to be offering more add-ons or reducing the price to attract buyers.

Best of luck!!
Hi! I live in Portlaoise in The Grange. A very nice estate of three and four bedroomed bungalows, about five minutes walking distance from the town - roughly 70 houses in the development - so quite small. Would really reccomend it.
Hi dereko1969 and Pixied
Thanks for your advice and kind words. Yes, I agree my title was inappropriate. I was trying to edit it but was unable to. I requested help from Admin and they must have changed the title to above. I'm a new member to this site. This was my first attempt at requesting some info. What a great site! It has a great community feel!

Thanks also to elainem who gave some advice on Portlaoise and one location's suitability for living.
I look forward to hearing from people who live in Portlaoise or know the town, now that I have a clearer title on my request I am hopeful I will get lots.
I would be grateful for some input from Retirees who have moved to the town. Any active clubs, groups etc. We like to get involved.
Have a great day everyone.
Lots of opportunities to get involed. Active retirement groups in parish centre. Also, lots more going on in Parish Centre - St. Peter and St. Paul's - you can get details of the activities in Parish Centre onine - it is a meeting place for many local groups. Also great local leisure centre run by the council which has activites for all age groups. Lots of walking groups locally if interested in walking, especially around slieve bloom area. The parish newsletter also contains lots of information and advertisements for activities and groups based in Portlaoise. There is a good community spirity in Portlaoise - probably more so among local people - as there are a lot of younger families commuting to Dublin for work, which doesn't leave them much opportunity to get involved locally.

Sorry about the spelling - early in the morning - trying to post between children and breakfasts!!
Hello AussieIrish,
I to am an Irish Aussie (Aussie PR to citizenship). I see you are in WA. Then Portloaise wont be a shock to you
Seriously though, I think there is better value for you in the market then you think. If you have family in Naas would you not look at just outside Athy or Castledermot or even Allenwood? Some lovely places in Allenwood and seems quite affordable. Also I honestly do believe there are some lovely little places available in and around a 10 mile radius of Naas for decent prices (and near to various small villages/towns). Especially as you are looking at a small property and not a 5 bedboard 20 bathroom home these areas might suit you better. I resume when you say 10 -15 minutes from a town you mean by car? If so then really you should find something in the environs of Naas.
Hi AussieIrish,

I'm actually from Portlaoise, though living in Dublin these days, but parents are still there. I would think long and hard before moving there, there's a big difference between Naas and Portlaoise. And even with all the building in the last 7/8 years, the town hasn't changed that much - there still aren't enough facilities.

With house prices generally going down, if it were me, I'd look closer to Naas - it may still be too expensive, but there are nice, cheaper areas like Sallins or Clane which are small, but near to bigger towns for shopping. Plus, they're closer to Dublin and if you're heading west, you'll have a choice of the N6 or the N7.

If you do have your heart set on Portlaoise, then I think you should steer away from these estates that you've listed. In my opinion, some of the nicest houses in Portlaoise (+ in Irish towns in general) are the ones on country roads, detached with a little bit of land (but you can still be only 5 minutes drive from town). Personally, I'm not a fan of estates or modern-built semi-ds, plus you can add to your worries with kids hanging round during the day and possible empty houses on the new estates. It's worth contacting one of the local esate agents and seeing what they could find you in the area at your price range.

Oh and avoid Athy at all costs! ;-)
Hi elainem, kwhome, shifers, pennypitstop

Many thanks for your input. You have given me food for thought. Our first choice would be Naas, but pricewise, it is out of our range, or, the property is very inferior in our range. Remember we have Aussie $$$dollars, and, not Euros like you rich guys. We will consider areas near small towns/villages as suggested . We have been researching Sallins/ Clane/ Newbridge. Kill is very expensive! My husband is a Dub and likes to have all facilities on his doorstep. I would love a small bungalow surrounded by green fields- you know the green green grass of home!! Don't want to live too far out due to fear of robbers.
It does get confusing-trying to make the right decision. We will have to rent while househunting so that will help us to get the feel of the general area.
Thanks elainem for the info re Clubs and activities-your info is reassuring.
shifers, you were not very keen on Portlaoise even though you lived there! Have you become a real Dub who thinks Clondalkin is another country?
Now, I have a crow to pluck with kwhome! What's wrong with WA? It's the best state in Oz and known as the State of Excitement!!! Where are you from? Probably from the Back of Burke- Don't say Tas or QLD! It's ok I'll forgive you. Joking ha ha!
Keep the advice coming. Would still like to get more info on Portlaoise and good residental areas near, and, up to a mile outside the town.
Thanks to you all for giving me your precious time.
Take good care of YOU.
Bear in mind we are in the midst of a property price slide here in Ireland. In most cases you will pay less than the asking price - how much less varies depending on each individual property.
I would strongly advise you to rent somewhere for a year or so near your family when you come back and then take your time buying, and check out the areas? Financial experts here are predicting that house prices will continue to fall this year and next year so there is no hurry. By the time you get here the house you really want may have fallen into your price range, and by actually being here you will have more 'local' knowledge of the property market.
Now, I have a crow to pluck with kwhome! What's wrong with WA? It's the best state in Oz and known as the State of Excitement!!! Where are you from? Probably from the Back of Burke- Don't say Tas or QLD! It's ok I'll forgive you. Joking ha ha!

Mosman (Sydney). Am happily back in Ireland for the last 2 years. Although it is useful having the passport with the funny animals on the cover.

Was just thinking given the current climate and you will be , presumably, a cash buyer you could be in a very strong position. I wouldnt write Naas , or close by, off totally especially any new builds. Would be worth testing the waters.

A big plus even though the Aus dollar isnt great is that you are returning to a depressed market which may balance out any currency conversion losses. Seen some large reductions especially on new builds recently.

Genius here returned at the top of the bubble
Don't undertestimate the discounts you might negotiate on the advertised prices you see in Naas.

Don't undertestimate the discounts you might negotiate on the advertised prices you see in Naas.

Thanks raven , we will keep that in mind. I can be a tough negotiator. I sold our house in Perth a few years ago and exceded my expectations.
I have been told that, in '09, houses will have dropped further in Ireland. Would love to live in Naas. I am getting more hopeful-thanks to all participants advice.
Many thanks for your input.
Do take care.

Hi kwhouse
Yes we will be cash buyers which will give us some bargaining power.
We won't give up hope. Yes, we have heard that builders are getting very anxious to sell as the banks are putting pressure on.
Re Oz, we lived on the North Shore n Sydney for three yrs. Great city but Perth has better lifestyle.
Thanks for your input which is much appreciated. Good on ya mate!

Hi sadie,
Thank you for taking the time to respond. It seems to be very good sound advice. We will certainly rent while we assess the market. Yes, you are right, it will give us an opportunity to learn more about the areas of interest.
I really feel sorry for people who are trying to sell. Not a good position to be in!
Your advice is greatly appreciated. We have lots to think about and some options.
Many thanks
Hmm, a few people leaving Ireland and heading for places like Australia. Sounds like it will be a big culture shock moving back to Ireland. Would you consider doing a house swop before committing to a permanent move?

would agree, i personally wouldnt be mad on portlaoise esp if your family etc is in naas
would agree, i personally wouldnt be mad on portlaoise esp if your family etc is in naas


There's just one big problem- the cost of housing in Naas! I only saw a few grotty places, in our price bracket, that I wouldnt touch with a barge pole. Remember, we have Aussie dollars$$$ not Euros. Convert the Aussie $ into Euros, and, see what I mean. I am daily surfing the property sites, and, find Naas to be one area that is holding fast to unrealistic prices. We have considered an apartment but are a bit concerned about living near "a neighbour from hell"! We would prefer a small house/bungalow/town house.

We are looking at Portlaoise as one option, we haven't ruled out other areas around Kildare, no decisions made. Some friends, who are living in Naas/Dublin, told us that there was good value in property in Portlaoise, great for transport, very central, and, generally getting more progressive. We are active retirees and will be travelling up and down the country, Cork, Clare, Galway and Dublin, where we have family. We have crossed the Nullabor Desert by car- going to Cork for breakfast would be a short stroll after that !!

By the way, BICEP, what do you not like about Portlaoise?

I am learning a lot from all you contributors, and, I thank you for gving me your time and advice. Much appreciated.
Have a great day and take care.
As you are retiring to Ireland I think there are a few things you should take into account (which you may or may not have thought about) re the location of your new home.
You will have more time to visit your family than they have to visit you so think about the journey by public transport
As you both like to travel and husband is a Dub. choose a home close to a bus or train station.
Once you are age 66 and permanently resident in Ireland you will have a Free Travel pass for all public transport.
By the way there are a few other perks for pensioners but that can be checked out when you arrive.
Good luck with the move!