Ireland's Unemployment problem is solved

Governments can't create jobs in the private sector, they can only improve the environment that allow other to create them . Any strategy that does not improve competitiveness will fail. Tax breaks aimed at particular sectors will cause the economy to develop in a direction that is not market driven and so will not be sustainable in the long term. Therefore any changes should be across the board.
The plan aims to boost exports by a third and will involve the establishment of a Foreign Trade Council bringing together all relevant agencies to help implement it.

Article summary:
Cowen is going to create yet another quango called the 'Foreign Trade Council'. Loads of money will be spent on it. In three or four years we'll read FÁSeque headlines, and a few years after that it may be dissolved.
Article summary:
Cowen is going to create yet another quango called the 'Foreign Trade Council'. Loads of money will be spent on it. In three or four years we'll read FÁSeque headlines, and a few years after that it may be dissolved.

Any jobs going?
You can be sure of it firefly. Are you friends with anyone in FF?

Nice big wages too.
From article:
"The trade council will develop new 'brand Ireland' initiatives, as well as making the most of St Patrick's Day and trade missions."

So looks like loads more expensive foreign junkets for our politicians and quango leaders.
Good luck to them trying to sell "Brand Ireland".

We hardly have the best reputation at present.

I do think our food has a good rep, but if they really want to get 8m visitors back into the country, then they have to address the rip-off prices here. Its a great country if it was cheaper.

Promoting Ireland through St Patrick’s Day​
Each year, St Patrick’s Day offers a unique opportunity to raise Ireland’s profile abroad, deliver
marketing messages, and strengthen relations with other countries. Government Ministers regularly
travel abroad to take part in St Patrick’s Day events in other countries and to promote intergovernmental
relations, trade and tourism. The decisions on where the Ministers go for St Patrick’s
Day will be based on strategic considerations, and these decisions will be taken as early as possible,
so that embassies and State agencies can take maximum advantage of the opportunities presented
by the visit.​
I saw this story on the Irish Times website, above another story that Irish bond yields had hit a record high.

You couldn't make it up.
Whats all the doom and gloom about ?
Sure wont the " Vote Yes for Lisbon" jobs be kicking in soon ?
As much as I think that the total figures are a bit 'pie in the sky', I was also disappointed to see the immediate derogatory comments from the opposition.

All the opposition does now is knock everything.

Time for a national Gov. All the negativity is getting us nowhere.
Time for a national Gov.
How does that work? Do all parties have to agree before policies are implemented? Do all parties get ministers? I have heard the term bandied about a bit, but I wonder how it would work in practice?
worth a go though, sure the current one doesn't seem to be getting much right.

I think its more a gathering of ideas, instead of FF just shooting down everything from the opposition cos they can. Plus it would put an end to the endless, pointless bitching between parties.

If the opposition can sit back everytime the Gov tries something and say "thats not going to work", then lets hear their ideas.
A national government formed without a general election will not work as (a) it will not solve the huge issue of lack of confidence in Cowan, (b) it incorporates those who made the mistakes in the first place i.e. no moral hazard and most importantly, (c) it does not have the support of the electorate.

I wouldnt mind a national government being formed to get us thru this mess, but only AFTER a general election.
I thought this had been announced before but the IDA are talking about all of the . The HSE will also be moving their HQ to the site. Strangely they are suggesting that this will result in the creation of 450 jobs during construction (so far so good) and 1100 jobs when completed. How is it possible that not only are there no efficiencies achieved by putting all of the DIT facilities in one place but they actually need more people?