Ireland Vs France-The French Goal!!


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I can honestly say it has been one of the best Irish Soccer matches I have seen in Years, till the French goal, how could Henry get away with handling the ball twice which lead up to the deadly goal to crush Ireland's dreams of the worldcup!!

I didn't expect Ireland to win, they did themselves proud, there was many misses both sides, but the French goal should have never been allowed and we will say if ireland handled the ball and got away with it, would we care probably not. I think its a disgrace, its not about football anymore, its about what you can get away with on the field.
As a proud French-Canadian, I watched the game in a hopefully unbiased manner. But I was very upset by the fact that the referee and his linesmen did not spot the foul that ultimately caused the French goal. Thierry Henry should be ashamed of himself. Why do they not have "instant replay" like in American Football? That would weed the cheats out!
I am gutted. Absolutely gutted.

To go out in that manner is sickening. And for me Thierry Henry has sunk down the list of great players dramatically. For me he will now always be a great footballer, goal scorer and CHEAT. End of.

As for video replays. Can't see FIFA ever allowing them to be honest - they are too backward in their thinking.

As mentioned on RTE, let the ref ask the player, in this case Henry, "did you handle the ball". If he says yeah I did then the ref can diallow the goal, award a free to Ireland and all is ok. If he takes the chance and says "No", and then FIFA look at the video afterwards then he suffers a 3 month ban, or 6 months or whatever.

That would soon put the cheating out of them.

On a final note, that was the best Irish performance in years, and I was so proud of the team tonight. We are not blessed with great players, but we should have had that game out of sight tonight. France are a very average side, and I will be cheering on whoever is playing them next WC.


My sentiments exactly.

My sentiments exactly.


I'm no fan of conspiracy theories, but given the almost undisputed fact that Blatter is a bloody crook and the fact that Platini is his UEFA side-kick, then it doesn't take the biggest leap of mental gymnastics to suggest that the notion that France would be left out of the World Cup after a match in the Stade de France against a minnow isn't beyond the reach of the Blatterman himself. It strikes me as not beyond reasonable doubt that the referee/linesmen were under the influence of said people/location, however subtle. Of course, the actual events could not be forecast, but what happened was a gift to France/Blatter/Platini and an absolute disgrace for Ireland/soccer/deceny. Of course the two men who ruled out video replay decisions from soccer were Blatter and Platini...
much the same thing happend with england v argentina in 86 when maradonna handled the ball.....thats how the cookie crumbles in football,no point moaning about it john giles said if the goal had have been at the other end of the field in our favour, we would singing a different tune!
Henry allegedly admitted the hand-ball later and claims he told the referee. From
I heard Liam Brady on radio this morning saying that if Henry has admitted that he handled the ball, why not offer to replay the match? Brady said Ireland would happily replay the game in Paris.
I've a mate, he's an awful man, in order to get off with women by getting sympathy he pretends he has a fatal disease.

Very like Thierry Henry really then - he has to cheat in order to score.
Agree with the above, just a shame to lose like that, deflection and hand ball!! But the other parts of the goal, the off side, the foul and Mcshane!!
Absolute travesty! I don't follow football, but watched the match last night and was amazed at the result.

My son plays rugby and, of course, they use the video ref. It's astonishing that they don't do this in football for crucial decisions.

98FM are launching a campaign to forward 1,000's of e-mails of protest to FIFA - so vent your anger there!

They've also said they might start a campaign to re-name Henry Street in Dublin to Cheat Street!
I just hope we don't turn into England going on and on about the hand of God in 20 years time.

It was heartbreaking but thats sport. I wouldn't call what Henry did cheating. The referee and the linesman are supposed to spot these things. Especially the offside!

It was the best Irish performance I can remember and the players should be proud of themselves but we lost because we didn't take our chances, allowed France to play at Croke Park and because of a dire referee decision. We probably had enough chances to qualify ahead of Italy in the group as well.
Well UEFA and FIFA got their way. The seeding was the first diabolical situation which should never have been allowed especially as it was only decided late on. If they were to be the rules, they should have been stated at the start of the qualifiers not when it became apparant several "Big" nations may not qualify. And can it honestly be said that France will bring more to the World Cup, not just in performance but also participation from fans?

It took at least a minute to restart the game after the "goal" it would have taken one single look at a replay to rule it out, thirty seconds max.

Though Platini is the biggest opponent of video replays, I can't see this changing his mind.

The annoying this is that UEFA and FIFA claim credit for their marketing genius for all the money that comes in from sponsors and the huge revenue they also gain from TV rights. They forget that the only reason sponsors and TV networks pay so much is because of the huge market and investment by the fans. If we didn't watch or go to the matches they wouldn't have the nice lifestyle their jobs now afford.

True, they shouldn't always listen to the fans, if I had my way the refs would be replaced by scantily clad glamour models, but sometimes we're right and we're sick of seeing club and country matches settled by ref errors.

The FAI stand to lose millions as a result. Players have lost their last chance to play in the World Cup and South Africa is going to have to return the millions of additional kegs of beer it had on order and imported breakfast rolls.

Everyone makes mistakes, players, managers and the officials. Players can get dropped or sold if they make mistakes, managers can get the sack, but given the importance of some official mistakes we need video technology.

On a different note, this has to be marked as one of Dunphy's "jumping the shark" moments. While his cry of how everyone put the team down as not having the ability he forgets that he was one of the main protagonists of this view the last 18 months. In fact, he even went on a couple of minutes later to start picking out players who weren't good enough (players who actually did well).
That game should be replayed. Or else FIFA should never use the two words sportsmanship and football in the same sentence again.

If they are saying that they can’t do this because it will introduce controversy into games into the future, they should realise that their current thinking has resulted in a gross and blatant miscarriage of justice (in sporting terms), and it can do so again. Avoidance of future complications is no justification for allowing a decision to stand which effectively eliminated Ireland from the World Cup. Fair play is either important or it is not.

Platini was a wonderful footballer and a wonderful sportsman. He should try to get this game replayed. Football as a sport was damaged last night. Henry (who I have always admired) let himself down very badly.

Footballers have only a short playing career and at best only have a few opportunities to play in the World Cup. The Irish players were denied a fair chance to compete last night, after making a fantastic effort and brining themselves back into the tie with that great goal. And I feel awful sorry for those Irish supporters who have travelled to games for the last two years. What happened last night was very unfair on them. Being in the World Cup means a lot to Irish people. It is desperate to see what occurred last night, and it is desperate to think FIFA will allow that result to stand. Of course they can do something about it!
Theres also the fact had France not got that goal and it went to penalty shootout, theres no guarantee Ireland would have still qualified but agree totally it was a horrible way to go out especially the fact they played so well.
We definetely had enough chances to put the game to bed long before extra time so for that we only have ourselves to blame . But still to go out on a blatant hand ball after playing so well is just a kick in the proverbials, i feel so sorry for the players who won't be around for the next world cup should we qualify.

RMCF is right, players should be asked about incidents like this/dives etc and if they shown to have lied they should be punished, it might rid the game of some of the dramatics that's it's rife with.

The guy is a muppet. Even last night he said that Darren Gibson didn't have what it takes to make it at this level. Give it 12 months and see what he saying then. He changes his mind every week.

As for the match itself, lets just accept defeat as galling as it is. No point whining on and on about it looking for replays etc. Anyone who has played sport knows what it is like to be the victim of a bad decision.

New Zealand got kicked out of the last rugby world cup when France scored a try off a blatent forward pass and they use technology.
We have got to be mature about this .France had a penalty claim turned down just before that...if Ireland had that penalty claim we would be complaining.France had chances...we had chances.Even if that goal had been disallowed,we would probably still have lost.Ireland worked their socks off and were determined but we just don`t have the quality players that France have...even their subs are quality.
Take a look at Slovenia who beat Russia despite being down 2-0 with 90 minutes gone in moscow in the first game.We are happy with an honourable draw and a genuine grievance which will no doubt be talked about ad nausea for years to come.The best thing we could do is to accept that over the group stages and the playoff we just were not good enough.
Here's my 2 Cents:

Henry cheated. No doubt about it. If Keane done it how would we react?

The real issue is the officials. I don't buy into the consipiricy theories (probably because I can't spell conspiricy).

Why wasn't Diarra booked for his constant fouling? Why didn't anelka not get booked for diving? If you are not going to give a peno then it has to be a yellow? How the hell did they not see Henry massage the ball into play?

The ref on Saturday was fair and had a good game. Why were there different officials for Last night’s game?

The Irish were fantastic, done us proud and with a little more belief we would have put away some of those chances and won the game outright.