Ireland V Aussies what a load of crap



Just watching the above on rte1.
Must say this is a load of crap.Its not sport just all fighting.
Its time the GAA called a halt to this farce.

Diddles said:
Its time the GAA called a halt to this farce.

Yeah, they kick our arses at our own game, so we definitely shouldn't play them in it again.

Even though, we kicked their arses last year, and they still showed up again this year.

And it was so much tougher and harder than an Armagh v Tyrone game. Definitely. Stop this nonsense. We're much better footballers than to be getting involved in late tackles, incidents off the ball, and general unsporting behaviour like that.
Diddles said:
Just watching the above on rte1.
Must say this is a load of crap.Its not sport just all fighting.
Its time the GAA called a halt to this farce.

You could just stop watching it?
I think the point is that if its only going to be a 'belt fest', then maybe leave the aussies at it, thats more their thing.

Agree that we shouldnt just give up cos we are beaten but we need to see is there value in continuing - why endanger some of our best players if the hybrid game does not have merit or is not played and refereed in a relatively sporting manner.
Betsy Og said:
if its only going to be a 'belt fest', then maybe leave the aussies at it, thats more their thing.
Bear in mind that — historically speaking — the non-aboriginal population of Oz was originally composed of more than its fair share of "fightin' Irish" convicts, three or four short generations ago.

As an outsider on both counts, I've been following this story with considerable amusement. What, ye mean there are "harder men" out their than our own finest..?!?

My own theory is that the outdoors/sporty culture (and matching climate/diet/financial resources & incentives) of "Down Under" is gradually producing a race of übermensche which will ultimately render meaningless any North/South contests in physical contact sports like GAA football or — for suggestive comparison — rugby.

If I were a true lover of either game, I'd be more concerned about the consequences of the relentless march of both towards the pay-per-view, mass-appeal TV entertainment (i.e. ratings)-value model. Coming soon to your Skyscreen: WWF "Smackdown" sponsors mixed-rules American football vs. Rugby vs. GAA... It impoverishes all of those games and reduces international contests to the status of, say, the Olympics(?)

Bread and circuses, bread and circuses.. It's very enlightening/depressing to see a 2,500-year-old dictum proved correct — over and over again!
Well Paudric Joyce promised the Aussies a "warm Irish welcome" to Croke Park next year for the next series, which should indeed be interesting.

The disappointing thing about the Aussies was that they marred their fine display (in which they showed US how to kick scores from play with the round ball) with needless physicality. It would have been more understandable in a closer game, but given they were 40 odd points up after the first game it was just plain bad manners to knock us around like that!