email service to be discontinued


Registered User
The Irish Times has sold the domain to Tourism Ireland. Fair enough, but Tourism Ireland do not want to maintain the email service. They are going to terminate the service on the 7th of November.

I have had my email address for years.

All of the good names are already taken on gmail.

This is very, very inconvenient. I am very, very angry. Grrr!
Forgot completely that I had an email account with them,gave it up yonks ago as it was so old fashioned and not user friendly.

Gmail is so much better,you wont know yourself.
Yes,I've had myfirstname at for years.I suppose I'll be myfirstname5373578 at
Try putting your surname first. My sister got this without a number in the last month, when she tried firstnamesurnname, it was taken.
Very shabby on the part of the Irish Times, to whom I paid €30 per year for several years for the privilege of having a "reliable" email address, back in the days before Gmail existed. I have used my email account for 12 years and now get 3 weeks notice that it is being scrapped.
Try putting your surname first. My sister got this without a number in the last month, when she tried firstnamesurnname, it was taken.

My gmail address is FirstName.MiddleInitial.Surname. That, to me, was preferable to having a number appended.

I agree with the point about the amount of notice given for people to move - it's apalling customer service by the Irish Times.
My gmail address is FirstName.MiddleInitial.Surname. That, to me, was preferable to having a number appended.

I agree with the point about the amount of notice given for people to move - it's apalling customer service by the Irish Times.

Just as an interesting aside, the number of dots you have in your gmail address doesn't matter so yours could be firstnamemiddleinitialsurname or fir.stna.memidd.leinitial.surn.a.m.e

I keep getting emails for some guy in America. Fairly confidential things, including his tax return which had everything needed to steal his identity. DOB, social security number, bank account details etc.

I thought it was that he had the same email address as me but without the dots but when I researched it, it turns out the dots have no impact on the delivery.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about to be honest. Someone removes a free feature, not core to their business which is costing them money. More significantly, this new owner is funded by the taxpayers of this nation. I would therefore rather that the state didn't waste any more tax payers money providing something that is already provided for free and of better quality by the private sector. Plenty alternatives out there and it would, IMO, be the same as letting your contacts know of your new mobile number.