IQ test, how smart (or Dumb) am I?


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I took an on-line IQ test and got 144. What does that mean? What's the average?
Does this answer your question?

Interval Cognitive Designation
40 - 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
55 - 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 - 84 Below average
85 - 114 Average (68% of test takers)
115 - 129 Above average
130 - 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 - 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
160 - 175 Extraordinary genius

AFAIK the standard IQ test only tests for academic intelligence and neglects other forms such as emotional.
It proves you have certain abilities that others don't but I wouldn't get carried away.

My mother used to reckon that there are different compartments to the brain and that just because someone might have it in one, it doesn't necessarily mean they have it in another. I think she had a point. IMHO, emotional intelligence (i.e. cop-on!) is far more valuable than the type of intelligence measured in standard IQ tests.

I know of a couple of people who have very high IQs but frankly, they shouldn't be let out!
If you couldn't source the answer yourself it calls into question the test

Good point
Or maybe I'm just lazy.
Or maybe I knew someone would post the answer here and I was saving myself time.

...Or maybe an on-line IQ test is not the best gauge of intelligence.
Yeah and children show good TM by getting their bums wiped for years!

Post a link to it and well see how good you really are!
I took an on-line IQ test

Generally the reliability of online tests is somewhere between poor and dreadful... don't believe them for a second... I know dozens of people who've taken them and got crazy scores. For example my score online in no way correlates to the score i've received from two indepentent physcologists (both graded me almost the exact same number even though the tests were years apart).

If you really want to know your IQ, go get assessed properly... and remember even if that says you've a high IQ, it's only one form of intelligence. I've a theory (probably better to keep it to myself... I might get savaged for it) - as IQ goes up, other important skills, principally social skills, drops dramatically - particularly as you move into and above the top 1% (145+)... it's only a theory based on my own anecdotal observations... but I firmly believe it.
Never forget, half the population have below average intelligence!
Its funny when you hear people try to deny that fact!
it's only a theory based on my own anecdotal observations... but I firmly believe it.

AFAIK, although I cant link a source, it has been well proven. When Nasa are selecting candidates they undergo not only an IQ test but also an SQ test which measures their social skills. A balance between the two is optimal but as you say, those with a very high score in one, tend to have a relatively low score in the other.

You can see it in some famous people who are thought to have Aspergers Syndrome (e.g. Albert Einstien, WB Yeats and Isaac Newton, Mozart, Andy Warhol), very intelligent but deficient in social and communication skills.

So the saying "You're too smart for your own good" rings true.
If I'd done badly I'd agree with your cynicism but the whole thing has gone to my head since Mo3art's post.
I don't think I'd apply the IQ scale (posted my mo3art) to that online test. I scored 138 and I'm barely literate. I find that a high percentage for 'the Public' just aren't the brightest, 'clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right' .
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I don't take these things seriously. In my book it's just another form of snobbery if one does. I have no idea what my real IQ is and I have no real desire to find out, which is probably why I didn't know what my score meant.

Anything that makes people take themselves too seriously is a bad thing. Once you loose the ability to laugh at yourself you loose the ability to laugh at life. I’d rather be dumb and happy.
I don't think I'd apply the IQ scale (posted my mo3art) to that online test. I scored 138 and I'm barely literate. I find that a high percentage for 'the Public' just aren't the brightest, 'clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right' .
I agree, if I'm in the top few percent then I despair for the future of humanity!