iPod problems


Registered User
Hi All & Happy New Year

Two of the sprogs in our house were the happy recipients of iPods from Santa. However, the only computer capable of supporting same is yours truly's laptop so it was pressed into action for loading CDs (not internet access as that has disapeared thanks to Eircom!). Problem is: when daughter loads her CDs onto laptop and updates iPod, son wants to load his but does not want the collected works of Britney, Broccolli etc. So, when he deletes her tunes, he loads up his own etc. But then, when she reconnects her iPod, it deletes all these tunes from her iPod as they are no longer on the laptop! Surely there is a way to hold the tunes on the laptop so that both can use the one set up. Incidentally, I tried to set up each kid individually but the software seemed to only want to have one set up on the laptop. Any help out there?

What version of Windows? Could you not create separate login accounts for the different users of the computer thus corralling each user's files from each other users'?
I have connected numerous ipods to my laptop, we have two and friends have availed of our extensive library! what you need to do is open iTunes, set the ipod update to manual as opposed to automatic, as far as I remember you need to do this in iTunes options AND when you connect an iPod in the iPod options. Once set this will stay on manual unless you change it back to auto.

When you connect an iPod it will come up as 'Slims iPod'. If you click on this it opens the library for this individual iPod. Ensure manual update is enabled.

Cds will copy into the main iTunes library when put onto iTunes. Highlight the required songs/album in the library and ctrl c, click into 'Slims iPod' and ctrl v. This will copy and paste the songs into the library for 'Slims iPod'. Sounds like a pain but this takes seconds.

When you disconnect 'Slims iPod' the library associated with this iPod will disappear from iTunes. Connect 'Slims2 iPod' and you will get another empty library, follow the same steps as above for the 2nd iPod and create an individual library for it.

Make sure you set each iPod to manual when first connected.

Every time either iPod is connected to iTunes the relevant llibrary will appear in iTunes and they shouldn't intefere with each other once the updates are kept at manual.

First, simply create one playlist for your son and another for your daughter, and drag and drop all the Son's albums on his playlist and same for hers.

Then you can configure each iPod to only update selected playlists under Edit -> Preferences -> iPod -> Music

Choose "Update selected playlists only"

There's a good beginner's iPod tutorial on the Apple site here.
Thanks to all for the advice. I will proceed to try out the solutions.

I bought an ipod in the states ... it broke... I got it replaced under guarantee and a new ipod was delivered ... however the new ipod which is now not covered by guarantee is acting up in the same fashion ... apparently there is a company in the blanchardstown area which fixes ipods ....any clue where it is