IPod Dead


Registered User
ONly 18 months old.Tried recharging but cannot get
it to come on.Should I bury it?
That happened me before too and no way could I get it going again. I think they have a pre-determined lifespan!
Log on to the Apple site you will find it there how to get it going again, it happened to me twice and i got it going again with the Apple site but i cannot remember just now what i had to do with it.
Happened to me to, try holding down the centre and bottom button together for up to a minute while its on charge, it worked for me.
If you connect to your PC does iTunes see it?
If so try a restore.
They do not have a pre determined lifespan. Why would a company the size of Apple do something so stupid.?
Have had to buy a new ipod.Followed all instructions and bought a new
battery online.Unfortunately battey has to be soldered but that wasnt
the main problem.When trying to remove the inners disconected the
earphone from the motheboard.Have January to fix it